Repository for storing code samples and presentations from various events. Contains an index with all the pdf and markdown files that this repository contains. Organized in a folder structure per event, additional links can be found in the index in this index.
- 2017-09-01_BSidesAms2017
- 2017-09-15_Austin_PowerShell
- 2017-09-19_DuPSUGBasicsDeux
- 2017-09-20_EIC
- 2017-10-21_China_MVP_CC
- 2017-10-26_DevOps_Days_SG
- 2017-10-27_PSConfAsia
- 2017-11-15_MSPSUG
- 2017-12-02_MSUGMunich
- 2018-01-31 DuPSUG 11
- 2018-03-06 Arizona PSUG
- 2018-03-14
- 2018-04-17 PowerShell Conference Europe
- 2018-04-23 UK Cloud Infrastructure UG
- 2018-04-24 PSSouthampton
- 2018-04-25 WinOps London
- 2018-04-26 PowerShell London UG
- 2018-04-28 Glasgow Workshop Microsoft Flow
- 2018-05-31 New York PowerShell UG
- 2018-06-12 DuPSUG 12
- 2018-06-19 ExpertsLive
- 2018-06-28 All Access
- 2018-07-19 TugaIT
- 2018-08-31 Kulendayz
- 2018-09-04 Arizona PSUG
- 2018-09-15 FRPSUG
- 2018-09-24 MSIgnite
- 2018-10-02 Rubrik - Azure and SQL
- 2018-10-04 NottPSUG
- 2018-10-04 Radpoint Stockholm
- 2018-10-10 PSDayUK
- 2018-10-11 DuPSUG 13
- 2018-10-12 DKCloudUG
- 2018-10-19 PSConfAsia
- 2018-10-30 Webinar PowerShell Basics
- 2018-11-01 Nutanix .Next
- 2018-11-05 VMworld
- 2018-11-13 ExpertsLiveAT
- 2018-11-23 Azure Taiwan
- 2018-12-05 Philly PSUG
- 2018-12-19
- 2019-02-12 DuPSUG 14
- 2019-02-14 PDXPowerShellUG
- 2019-02-26 MSIgnite London
- 2019-02-28 Netwrix
- 2019-03-05 Powershell Chattanooga
- 2019-04-24 MSIgnite Stockholm
- 2019-04-29 PowerShell + DevOps Summit
- 2019-05-15 Yacht PowerShell
- 2019-06-06 ExpertsLiveNL
- 2019-07-07 DuPSUG 15
- 2019-08-22 Chicago PSUG
- 2019-08-26 VMworldUS
- 2019-09-19 PSConfAsia
- 2019-10-10 API The Docs
- 2019-10-10 DuPSUG 16
- 2019-10-21 Azure UG Singapore
- 2019-11-03 Microsoft Ignite
- 2019-11-21 DuPSUG 17
- 2019-12-09 APIdays Paris
- DuPSUG_10
- DuPSUG_8
- DuPSUG_9
- DuPSuG_PowerShell_Saturday_2016_05_21
- ExpertsLive2015
- ExpertsLive2016-02-17
- ExpertsLive2016-05-11
- ExpertsLiveBBQ2017
- iSense2017
- MSCloudSummitParis2017
- MSFestPraha2015
- PowerShell Advanced Toolmaking Demo
- PowerShell Security features and threat management Demo1
- PowerShell Security features and threat management Demo2
- PowerShell Security features and threat management Demo3
- MSFestPraha2015 - Jaap Brasser - PowerShell Advanced Toolmaking.pdf
- MSFestPraha2015 - Jaap Brasser - PowerShell Security features and threat management.pdf
- MSFestPraha2016
- MSUGSingapore2017-03-18
- PSConfAsia2016
- PSConfEurope2017
- TugaITLisbon2017