PSDuckDB is a PowerShell module that provides seamless integration with DuckDB, enabling efficient execution of analytical SQL queries directly from the PowerShell environment.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


PSDuckDB is a PowerShell module that provides seamless integration with DuckDB, enabling efficient execution of analytical SQL queries directly from the PowerShell environment.


alt text


Install-Module PSDuckDB 

Why DuckDB

There are many database management systems (DBMS) out there. But there is no one-size-fits all database system. All take different trade-offs to better adjust to specific use cases. DuckDB is no different.

To start with, DuckDB is a relational (table-oriented) DBMS that supports the Structured Query Language (SQL).


SQLite is the world's most widely deployed DBMS. Simplicity in installation, and embedded in-process operation are central to its success. DuckDB adopts these ideas of simplicity and embedded operation.


Thanks to having no dependencies, DuckDB is extremely portable.


DuckDB provides serious data management features.


DuckDB is designed to support analytical query workloads, also known as online analytical processing (OLAP).


DuckDB's development started while the main developers were public servants in the Netherlands.

Use PSDuckDB - ADO.NET Style

In our ever-evolving world of data manipulation, the ability to efficiently pivot datasets can reveal new insights and trends. This example leverages PowerShell to dynamically transform city population data from a CSV file, enabling a year-over-year comparison. Let's dive into the process of creating a pivot table using PowerShell and DuckDB.

First, we establish a connection to DuckDB and create a table from our CSV dataset. This forms the foundation for our pivot operation, setting the stage for extracting valuable insights from raw data.

$dataset = "cities.csv"

$db = New-DuckDBConnection

$db.sql("CREATE TABLE Cities AS SELECT * FROM '$dataset';")

PIVOT Cities
ON Year
USING sum(Population);
"@) | Format-Table


With the table in place, the next step is to execute a pivot operation. This script restructures the data, allowing for a concise year-over-year comparison of city populations, revealing trends that may not be apparent in the raw data.

Country Name          2000 2010 2020
------- ----          ---- ---- ----
US      New York City 8015 8175 8772
US      Seattle        564  608  738
NL      Amsterdam     1005 1065 115

By seamlessly integrating DuckDB with PowerShell, we unlock powerful data transformation capabilities. This example demonstrates how simple scripts can convert raw data into actionable insights, essential for informed decision-making. Explore these techniques further to harness the full potential of your datasets.

See pivot.ps1


Check out the SQL Introduction and details for DuckDB https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/introduction

Refer to the Data Import section for more information.



psduckdb -command "select 10+2"
(10 + 2)

Read CSV


psduckdb -command "SELECT * FROM '$PSScriptRoot\..\data\csv\sample\sales1.csv';" | Format-Table
Region Tag    Units  Price State     Source
------ ---    -----  ----- -----     ------
West   Sales1   927 923.71 Texas     csv
North  Sales1   466 770.67 Tennessee csv
East   Sales1   520 458.68 Florida   csv
East   Sales1   828 661.24 Maine     csv

Read from Repo


$path = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/master/Examples/PassThru/sales.csv'

$stmt = @"
SELECT Item, SUM(UnitSold) AS Total_Sold
FROM '$path'
Group By Item
Order By Item;

psduckdb -command $stmt | Format-Table
Total_Sold Item
---------- ----
       272 Apple
       416 Banana
       234 Kale
       165 Pear
       137 Potato

Pivot the Data


$dataset = "$psscriptroot/../data/otherData/cities.csv"

$stmt = @"
CREATE TABLE Cities AS SELECT * FROM '$dataset';

PIVOT Cities
ON Year
USING sum(Population);

psduckdb -command $stmt | Format-Table
Name          Country 2000 2010 2020
----          ------- ---- ---- ----
Amsterdam     NL      1005 1065 1158
New York City US      8015 8175 8772
Seattle       US       564  608  738

Import Parquet Files


psduckdb -command "SELECT * FROM '$PSScriptRoot\..\data\parquet\sales.parquet';" | Format-Table
Price   Region State        Units
-----   ------ -----        -----
923.71  West   Texas          927
770.67  North  Tennessee      466
458.68w East   Florida        520
661.24  East   Maine          828
53.58   West   Virginia       465
235.67  North  Missouri       436
992.47  South  Kansas         214
640.72  North  North Dakota   789
508.55  South  Delaware       712


The PSDuckDB CLI (Command Line Interface) is simple cli interface.

PS C:\> psduckdb
Welcome to PSDuckDB! 07/06/2024 13:03:42
Connected to a transient in-memory database



Select a string.

PSDuckDB: select 'quack' as my_col


Generate a series of numbers from 0 to 5.

PSDuckDB: SELECT * FROM generate_series(5);


Read a parquet file from a local path.

PSDuckDB: select * from 'D:\yourpath\sales.parquet'

Units Region Price   State
----- ------ -----   -----
  927 West   923.71  Texas
  466 North  770.67  Tennessee
  520 East   458.68w Florida
  828 East   661.24  Maine
  465 West   53.58   Virginia
  436 North  235.67  Missouri
  214 South  992.47  Kansas
  789 North  640.72  North Dakota
  712 South  508.55  Delaware


Please also refer the the Contribution Guide.