
Modified version of https://github.com/vontainment/v-wordpress-image-optimize

This version is an highly modified version to adress a few issues with how the mu plugin works.


  • It works very slow with larger images clients loved to upload 1mb + video's causing processing to take ages
  • Wordpress looks up in the database what the to be used url instead using .webp by default


  • Implement support for a cronjob via wp-cli and resize images every minute. This means there might be a slighth delay max 1 to 2 min but it is better then timeouts because processing takes to long
  • Update on publish in post images to use webp


  • Upload Plugin
  • Setup Cronjob to execute wp cli oi optimze

Example on Hestia CP

As root:


If you have used the Quick Installer it has been allready installed!

In Hestia Panel:

cd /home/user/web/user.nl/public_html/ && /home/user/.wp-cli/wp oi optimize > /dev/null 2>&1

And execute it every minute.