
New dotfile repo managed by homeshick

Primary LanguageVim Script

Jaapz's Dotfiles

I used to manually manage my dotfiles in a git repo with several branches. This became a big ugly mess of merges everywhere, so I decided to switch to a dotfile manager. I now use homeshick to manage the dotfiles in this repo, and I hope this won't end up as a huge mess.

How to install

Run the setup.sh file like this:

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaapz/dots/master/setup.sh | bash

Refer to the homeshick docs to see how new files should be added, and how files should be changed.


This repository contains my configurations for these tools:

  • vimperator
  • conky
  • i3
  • tmux
  • vim
  • neovim (still experimental)
  • zsh


For neovim and corresponding aliases to work correctly, make sure to install neovim-remote.

Unison setup

To set up unison for syncing files across your computers, run backup/setup.sh.