
This repo is a sample for:

a) writing different types of SQL queries using Django ORM, following the examples in https://davit.tech/django-queryset-examples

b) running unit-tests in GitHub Actions including PostgreSQL

How to use

1. Download the repo:

git clone git@github.com:jabadia/django-querysets.git

2. Install dependencies:

cd django-querysets
pipenv sync

3. Decide if you want to run tests against a local postgres server or launch a docker container postgres server

3.1 Running tests on your local postgres server

Export variables pointing to your local server (tests will run in a newly created database named test_queries)

export POSTGRES_PORT=5432
export POSTGRES_USER=<user>

3.2 Running tests on a postgres server inside a docker container

# in another terminal
cd db
docker-compose up
export POSTGRES_PORT=5556
export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secretpass

4. Run tests

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=querysets.test_settings pipenv run python manage.py test

# or

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=querysets.test_settings
pipenv run python manage.py test

5. Run server

# create the production database
PGPASSWORD=secretpass createdb -h localhost -p 5556 queries -U postgres --no-password

# launch the server
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=querysets.test_settings  
pipenv run python manage.py migrate
pipenv run python manage.py runserver 7777

open your browser pointing to http://localhost:7777

How to see queries

1. LOGGING options in settings

In settings.py look for the LOGGING key and enable django.db DEBUG level

    'loggers': {
        'django.db': {
            'level': 'DEBUG',  # log SQL queries

2. Using logging selectively: getLogger('django.db').setLevel()

In any place of the code where you want to log queries, enable it by writing:


3. CaptureQueriesContext

Using a query capture context manager in one particular place of the code:

from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext
from django.db import connection

def one_function():
    with CaptureQueriesContext(connection( as queries:
        < call function or execute code that launches queries here >

    for query in queries.captured_queries:

4. Enabling server-side logging in postgres (easier in a docker container hosted postgres)

In docker-compose.yml uncomment the logging option:

        - "postgres"
#        - "-c"                     # uncomment this
#        - "log_statement=all"      # uncomment this