
Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

RestSharp - Simple .NET REST Client

RestSharp vNext

Finally, RestSharp has moved to HttpClient. We also deprecated the following:

  • All sync calls in favour of async calls
  • SimpleJson in favour of System.Text.Json.JsonSerialzer
  • IRestClient, IRestRequest, and IRestResponse in favour of implementing classes
  • Everything Http and IHttp as those are just wrappers

Most of the client and some of the request options are now in RestClientOptions.

Check v107 docs for more information.

💥 Interfaces rage!
Before you start to rage in public about interfaces that are useful for unit-testing HTTP calls,
please read this page.






RestSharp is an open-source project with a single maintainer. Do not expect your issue to be resolved unless it concerns a large group of RestSharp users. The best way to resolve your issue is to fix it yourself. Fork the repository and submit a pull request. You can also motivate the maintainer by sponsoring this project.

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License: Apache License 2.0