A program to encrypt/decrypt and modify Diablo III saves
- Make sure Python3 is installed.
- Run D3Edit.py with python3.
Currently supported:
- Currency edition.
- Hero and account edition: Hero level, Paragon level, Highest GR completed...
- Stash and Hero inventory viewing.
- Item edition.
- Item generation (By ID).
In development:
- Item Edition safe mode (easier to make legal items).
Help needed:
Help needed identifying the missing items and affixes. If you find a missing item please report back.
https://github.com/fry -> Diablo III Protobin Decompiler
https://github.com/VisualStudio-zz -> Original creator of the python CLI tool.
https://github.com/sixwings -> Primal item affix, various database items and gui improvements.
GBATemp user - RobertIII -> Identifying the item flag for Primal items.