Ontology that combines Social Network Analysis, Persons and Questionnaires

Primary LanguageRuby


OntoSNAQA is the name that combines Social Network Analysis (SNA), People and Questionnaires (Question and Answers - QA).

This ontology will be updated in this project of github and in the url http://www.jabenitez.com/ontologies/OntoSNAQA.owl.

It's an ontology that combines three different domains:

  • People
  • Questionnaires
  • Social Network Analysis terms

The mainly objective of this ontology is to achieve a complete automatized Social Network Analysis. It allows to any people that not have knowledge about Social Network Analysis, to do it and to get different conclusions of a social network using this ontology in a Knowledge-Based System.

This ontology born in 2017 and resulted in a PhD thesis called "Semantic Technologies applied to Social Network Analysis in health field". PhD defended at the University of León by José Alberto Benítez Andrades (http://www.jabenitez.com)

It's possible to see PhD document and presentation in the links listed below:

This thesis has two publications until now:

  • Benítez, J.A.; Labra, J.E.; Quiroga, E.; Martín, V.; García, I.; Marqués-Sánchez, P.; Benavides, C. “A Web-Based Tool for Automatic Data Collection, Curation, and Visualization of Complex Healthcare Survey Studies including Social Network Analysis,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 2579848, 8 pages, 2017. doi: 10.1155/2017/2579848
  • Quiroga E, García I, Benítez-Andrades JA, Benavides C, Martín V, Marqués-Sánchez P. A Qualitative Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Perception of Social Network Analysis Metrics in the Context of Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017; 14(12):1531. doi:10.3390/ijerph14121531

How to use SPARQL Update Queries

A possibility to execute SPARQL Update Queries is using Apache Fuseki Server. The command to execute will be, for example:

./s-update --service http://localhost:3030/NAMEOFYOURPROJECT/update --file=01-Relaciones.ru