
exploring horror movies to figure out what to watch

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting started with this template for your own TidyTuesday projects:

  1. Click on Use this template (green button) and then Create a new repository.

Screenshot showing how to use template to create a repo.

  1. In the next screen,
  • select your GitHub account as the Owner,
  • give your repository a name that is relevant to TidyTuesday as well as the dataset you're going to be working with, e.g. if you'll be working with a dataset on cats, you might choose tidy-tuesday-cats (note no spaces!),
  • select Public for your project setting, and
  • click on Create repository from template.

Screenshot showing how to create a new repo.

  1. Once your repo is created, clone the repo with RStudio > File > New Project.

  2. Add your TidyTuesday exploration to index.qmd, render and push all your files. (Note: Do not rename this file.)

  3. On GitHub, go to Settings, select Pages from the sidebar, and

  • for Source, select Deploy from branch, and
  • for Branch, select main and leave the rest as is.

Screenshot showing how to deploy pages from the main branch.

  1. Go back to the root of your repo, click the Gear icon next to About, and in the pop-up window check the box for Use your GitHub Pages website and add tags as suggested below.