
A talk about Strategic DDD.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Java CI SonarCloud


Madrid Jug:

En los ultimos años, El diseño dirigido por dominio, DDD, ha ido ganando popularidad y su ecosistema ha ido creciendo. En la charla se intentara resolver las cuestiones relativas al "What When Why Where How" del uso de DDD y profundizaremos en el DDD estrategico y tactico. En la charla entraremos en detalles sobre tecnicas a aplicar en el DDD estrategico y como emplear ciertas librerias en el DDD tactico.

#ddd #eventStorming #exampleMapping #archUnit #jmolecules #onionArchitecture


In recent years, the domain-driven design, DDD, has been gaining popularity and its ecosystem has been growing. In the talk we will try to solve the questions related to "What When Why Where How" about the usage of DDD and we will deep dive into the strategic and tactical DDD. In the talk we will go into details about techniques to apply in the strategic DDD and how to use certain libraries in the tactical DDD.

#ddd #eventStorming #exampleMapping #archUnit #jmolecules #onionArchitecture


How to run in local:

cd docs
python3 -m http.server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer


How to run in Gitpod:

How to run in local:

java -version
sdk env
mvnw clean test
