
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google Cloud Platform OpenJDK Docker Image

This repository contains the source for the gcr.io/google_appengine/openjdk docker image. This image can be used as the base image for running Java applications on Google App Engine Flexible Environment and Google Container Engine.

Building the image

To build the image you need git, docker and maven installed:

$ git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/openjdk-runtime.git
$ cd openjdk-runtime
$ mvn clean install

The resulting image is called openjdk

The Default Entry Point

The default entrypoint will print the JDK version:

$ docker run openjdk
openjdk version "1.8.0_66-internal"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b17)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)

Any arguments passed to the entry point that are not executable are treated as arguments to the java command:

$ docker run openjdk -jar /usr/share/someapplication.jar

Any arguments passed to the entry point that are executable replace the default command, thus a shell could be run with:

> docker run -it --rm openjdk bash

Entry Point Features

The entry point for the openjdk8 image is docker-entrypoint.bash, which does the processing of the passed command line arguments to look for an executable alternative or arguments to the default command (java).

If the default command (java) is used, then the entry point sources the setup-env.bash, which looks for supported features to be enabled and/or configured. The following table indicates the environment variables that may be used to enable/disable/configure features, any default values if they are not set:

Env Var Description Type Default
DBG_ENABLE Stackdriver Debugger boolean true
SHUTDOWN_AGENT VM Shutdown Reporter Java agent See format_env_shutdown_javaagent.sh
TMPDIR Temporary Directory dirname
JAVA_TMP_OPTS JVM tmpdir args JVM args -Djava.io.tmpdir=${TMPDIR}
GAE_MEMORY_MB Available memory size Set by GAE or /proc/meminfo-400M
HEAP_SIZE_MB Available heap size 80% of ${GAE_MEMORY_MB}
JAVA_GC_OPTS JVM GC args JVM args -XX:+UseG1GC plus configuration
JAVA_GC_LOG JVM GC log file filename
JAVA_GC_LOG_OPTS JVM GC args JVM args Derived from $JAVA_GC_LOG
JAVA_USER_OPTS JVM other args JVM args
JAVA_OPTS JVM args JVM args See below

If not explicitly set, JAVA_OPTS is defaulted to

JAVA_OPTS:=-showversion \
           ${JAVA_TMP_OPTS} \
           ${DBG_AGENT} \
           ${SHUTDOWN_AGENT} \
           ${JAVA_HEAP_OPTS} \
           ${JAVA_GC_OPTS} \
           ${JAVA_GC_LOG_OPTS} \

The command line executed is effectively (where $@ are the args passed into the docker entry point):

java $JAVA_OPTS "$@"

Contributing changes
