- 0
4.13 Automated Scripting
#1251 opened by nickaddy - 0
4.15 Password validation
#1250 opened by nickaddy - 0
4.10 Application User Account Enumeration
#1249 opened by nickaddy - 8
Implement two-factor authentication (2FA) on Apply
#1220 opened by nickaddy - 0
- 1
2FA - Replace Phone Number With UK Mobile Phone Number
#1242 opened by drieJAC - 1
2FA - Implement A Session Timeout
#1244 opened by drieJAC - 5
Changes to applications list on Apply
#1233 opened by nickaddy - 0
Remove Debugging From Email Verification Ticket
#1239 opened by drieJAC - 5
Update character section of the application form
#1209 opened by nickaddy - 12
Change wording of password reset link
#1227 opened by nickaddy - 4
Support verification of email addresses when candidates set up new account/change email address
#1213 opened by nickaddy - 1
- 1
Applications page displaying as blank
#1211 opened by nickaddy - 3
Single email address on Apply for candidates
#1212 opened by nickaddy - 1
virus scanning updates, checksums and status check
#1194 opened by tomlovesgithub - 4
- 2
- 0
- 0
Relevant memberships - What professional memberships do you have? should can tick single option
#1192 opened by KoWeiJAC - 1
- 0
CORS issue in Apply when uploading files
#1191 opened by drieJAC - 3
Candidates taken to Sign In page when already signed in
#1177 opened by nickaddy - 2
- 3
UnhandledRejection: Non-Error promise rejection captured with value: Timeout
#1175 opened by sentry-io - 0
FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.
#1170 opened by sentry-io - 0
PSDQ. Working preferences. Update to use the latest location and jurisdiction preferences
#1162 opened by warrensearle - 0
Additional Working Prefs Topic Causes Bug In Apply
#1166 opened by drieJAC - 0
PSDQ. Character checks. Test, fix and tidy up!
#1161 opened by warrensearle - 3
Upgrade Apply Platform to use latest Firebase library
#1134 opened by Franceswog - 0
- 0
Disparity Between Word Counts On Platform And In MS Word
#1153 opened by drieJAC - 4
- 1
Welsh translation updates for JAC00193
#1147 opened by nickaddy - 0
import.meta.env.NODE_ENV is undefined
#1144 opened by KoWeiJAC - 0
Install Google Analytics on Apply Production
#1141 opened by nickaddy - 4
User directed to Create an Account page at Log-in
#1103 opened by nickaddy - 0
Bug: Commissioner conflicts should be marked as DONE when form completed
#1130 opened by warrensearle - 2
Mandating fields on Apply
#1097 opened by NormaJAC - 0
BUG: Log in page. Password show/hide button is being called instead of form submit
#1120 opened by warrensearle - 1
Reconfirm location and jurisdiction preferences
#1092 opened by nickaddy - 1
Reconfirm Welsh posts
#1093 opened by nickaddy - 1
Reconfirm reasonable adjustments
#1091 opened by nickaddy - 0
- 0
Bug: Fix spelling of organisation
#1123 opened by warrensearle - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Outstanding issues from Apply upgrade to Vue3
#1098 opened by nickaddy - 5
Online tests link on apply website error message
#1094 opened by nickaddy