
Just me writing some notes about Haskell


##Just some notes about Haskell.

  • Don't use Tabs for layout method.
  • :t will return the type of whatever you pass to it:
Prelude> :t True
True :: Bool
  • The Numeric Types are: Int, Integer, Float, Double, Rational
  • () it's the same as void.
  • [] Lists holds a collection of item of the same type:
Prelude> [1,2,3] 
Prelude> ['H', 'e', 'l','l','o'] 
  • : operator appends an item to the beggining of a list:
Prelude> 1 : [2..10]
  • Tuples () hold a fixed number of items of different types:
Prelude> (1, True, "Hello", ['h','i'])
  • map function applied to a list in action:
Prelude> map (+ 5) [1 .. 5]

  • filter function applied to a list in action:
Prelude> filter (> 998) [1 .. 1000]
  • We have Booleans True / False
  • there is &&, || (these are shortciruit version), and, or, not.
  • and / or receive a list of Booleans and evaluate them.
  • The expected if-then-else flow.
  • Haskell doesn't accept different types in the expression inside an if-then-else statement
if true
then 1
else "Hi"

won't be accepted by the compiler neither the interpreter.

  • == means equality and /= means inequality.
  • To create projects use Cabal
  • Stanza are rules that goes after the Header Library or Executable
  • If we want an src folder we need to add a Stanza rule like this
hs-source-dirs : src 
-- Or whatever folder we want
  • To create a module it must follow this Pattern A.B.C where A must be a folder, B too and C the file C.hs, this must be inside your src folder
  • To build the project we use cabal configure and cabal build.
  • The name of the functions must be lowercase (this is not a convention, is a Haskell rule).
  • The list of parameters should be separated by spaces (and not by commas) also we don't need parenthesis.
  • This is how we declare functions
nameOfFunction param1 param2 = bodyOfFunction
  • How to declare the Type that a function can receive
(+++) :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer] 
lst1 +++ lst2 = bodyOfFunction -- We are defining with infix notation)

sumChars :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
sumChars param1 param2 = bodyOfFunction