
Online dashboard for Bellingcat showing Instagram posts in given GPS coordinates

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Instagram Location Dashboard

An online dashboard to search for Instagram posts in a certain location and plot those on a map.

  • Also allows the user to upload their own geolocation CSV file to plot.
  • This is an expansion of the ´instagram-location-search´ repo found here

Instagram Search

This section

This requires your Instagram cookies

How to find them?

  1. Sign into Instagram
  2. Open the Developer console (´Ctrl+Shift+I´ in some browsers)
  3. Chrome
    1. Navigate to Application tab
  4. Firefox
    1. Navigate to Storage tab
  5. Copy and paste the "Value" column for each cookie from the image into the Cookie format


Cookie format:

'cookie="mid=; ig_did=; csrftoken=; ds_user_id=; sessionid=; shbid=; shbts=; datr=; rur="'



Fuzzy Locations


Upload File

  1. Click upload file
  2. Choose CSV file with GPS coordinates columns

How to contribute to this

Assumes you have Python3.11 and its ´virtualenv´ pip library

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run python3.11 -m venv env
  3. Run source env/bin/activate
  4. Run streamlit run app/main.py


  • Create a file called .env in the root directory and create a variable called INSTAGRAM_COOKIES




Using this file structure for Streamlit: https://github.com/ash2shukla/streamlit-heroku/blob/master/app/main.py