
Ordering question type for Moodle >= 2.0

Primary LanguagePHP

The Ordering question type for Moodle 2.x

The ordering question type displays several short sentences in a random order which are to be dragged into the correct sequential order. It was developed for the ordering questions used in the Reader activity module for Moodle 2.x

To INSTALL or UPDATE this plugin

    1. get the files for this plugin from any one of the following locations:

        (a) GIT: https://github.com/gbateson/moodle-qtype_ordering.git
        (b) zip: the Moodle.org -> Plugins repository (search for Reader)
        (c) zip: http://bateson.kanazawa-gu.ac.jp/zip/plugins_qtype_ordering.zip

       If you are installing from a zip file, unzip the zip file, to create a folder called "ordering"
       and upload or move this folder into the "question/type" folder on your Moodle 2.x site
       to create a new folder at "question/type/ordering" - not "question/type/ordering/ordering" :-)

    2. log in to Moodle as administrator to initiate install/upgrade

        if install/upgrade does not begin automatically, you can initiate it manually by navigating to the following link:
        Settings -> Site administration -> Notifications

Further information

    For more information, tutorials and online discussion forums, please visit:

    This plugin uses JQuery framework and plugins: