
99 Bottles of Beer [express, javascript]

99 Bottles of Beer

Build an express application that enables users to count down the number of bottles of beer.


  • On the home page (get "/"), users should see:
    • "99 Bottles of beer on the wall"
    • a link that says "take one down, pass it around"
    • this should link to /98, where the number represents the number of bottles left.
  • When a number is given in the url (get "/:number_of_bottles"), users should see:
    • number of bottles "Bottles of beer on the wall"
    • a link to "take one down, pass it around", where the href is number of bottles minus 1.
  • If there are 0 bottles left, do not show a link to "take one down"
    • Add a link to start over, which directs the user back to the home page.