
Primary LanguageRuby


JANcorp is in dire need of your help. Turns out, wamazon wasn't entirely successful. We decided that it would be better to ride on the coat tails of the lastest craze, Pokemon Go. We want YOU to create a web app that mirrors much of the same functionality as the popular mobile app!


Build at least a single model application on the Sinatra Application that allows for the creating, reading, updating and deleting of a Pokemon.

Listed below are the various potential ERD's for this app in increasing difficulty. Do NOT attempt to code an ERD UNLESS you have already finished coding the domains before it. IE. I can only do silver if I've finished the MVP. I can only do gold if I've finished silver. Remember, a polished MVP is better than a non functioning silver. It should be also noted that


WARNING: type is a reserved word in Active Record, make sure that you never a column name type in Active Record.


  • Fully functional CRUD on a single model(Pokemon)

Steps to get started

Step 1. Write the app!


  • Start small, get your data working first
  • be able to CRUD Pokemon in a REPL
  • build a seed file so that you have data you can test your UI against
  • then build the UI

Resources for bonus

The latter resource is a Rails minilesson, it may be difficult to parse through the rails material to get what you need for many-to-many