
Reverse engineering WHOOP's production API.


Reverse engineering WHOOP's production API.

  • Production URL: https://api.prod.whoop.com
  • Development URL: https://api.dev.whoop.com
  • Authorization URL: https://api-7.whoop.com

Needs bearer token for all requests, bearer tokens expire after 24 hours. Use Charles or another SSL sniffing tool to find this.

Authorization routes

(note: these all use the authorization URL)

Route Body (Guessed) Description
/api/oauth {"grant_type": "password", "username": "", "password": ""} Returns access token, refresh token, expirty and user body
/users/{id} n/a Looks like another way to return member information - same data as /membership

Unmapped routes

Route (Guessed) Description
/membership returns member information
/membership/accessories/shop/auth returns a member-specific shop link with user's bearer token (??)
/activities-service/v1/cycles/aggregate returns range of "cycles" in a date,
/rollups-service/v1/rollups/{user_id} returns user rollups that are available on a user's profile
/rollups-service/v1/rollups/{user_id}?days=all returns lifetime user's stats
/home-service/v1/calendar/{key}?date={YYYY-MM-DD} takes recovery, home, returns data based on month
/home-service/v1/widget/overview returns the home widget (strain/recovery state/hrv/strain rec
/coaching-service/v2/sleepneed returns recommended times in bed for 100/85/70% need
/users-service/v1/stealth-mode ???, returns false
/behavior-impact-service/v1/impact impact journal
/progression-service/v3/trends/{key} takes RESTORATIVE_SLEEP_PERCENT, TIME_IN_BED, HRV, SLEEP_DEBT_POST, others i havent found
/community-service/v1/communities/featured returns featured communities
/community-service/v1/communities/{community ID}/members/details returns membership info of a group
/community-service/v1/leaderboards/communities/{community ID}/{YYYY-MM-DD}/strain/day_strain
/activities-service/v1/sports/history?countryCode=US i think this returns all of the sport_ids??


  • For rollups_service, the rollup returns a sport_id - ex, 60 is Rock Climbing. I haven't found an entire list of these yet, so it will be guess work until then.