What is todo-worklog
This project's goal is to create simple and easy to use command line tool for adding task to todo list
The application should support functionality
- add task to todo list
- support versioning of the managed todo lists by putting it into GIT repo,
- todo list repo should be available for view by web browser
- add note to worklog, what is the latest task I was working on , what i accomplished, what I was doing before swicthing to different task - multitasking
- mark task as done
- list all taks from all projects
- list tasks from project
- list projects
I was inspired by some other todo projects I found at github.
I do not want to use these projects, I want to create something by my own , and I want it to be perfectly adjusted to my needs
I want to learn C develoment
Development env
I am using / going to use many different tools:
Windows shell babun
Git for windows
Manjaro Linux
make, GCC and CLANG
I want to create FreeBSD port of this app
I want to be compatible with Arch linux packaging for AUR repositories
shel editors: vim, newovim, nano, emacs
atom editor
remarkable editor
Visual Studio Code
IDE - I think of Code::Blocks and codelite
IDE - I am considering also Eclipse and NetBeans
markdown as format of documentation and a format of todo list files
What id done?
- Not much .
What is to do ?
- Everything
Do not take offense - I want to do it alone.
- I will not invite any other contributors to this project.
- This is project is for practicing development. :-)