Ansible roles to setup infrastructure on computer running Debian or Ubuntu via docker.
This projects aims to create a full software forge with all required services for development, home automation, storage, etc. All services are available throught traefik which act as a TLS proxy. If no certificate is provided for the local network then traefik will create it's own certificates for all services (you will need to accept each of them on your browser). Only traefik's frontend is not exposed with TLS and will be acccessible with HTTP (a switch will be added in a next version to disable this frontend).
A docker image contains all requirements to deploy a forge in a TARGET with the private key to access the root user throught SSh. An identity archive should be provided to customize the installation else a dev identity will be set up.
The full installation take 60minutes on my Rpi4 and 10Go of storage, Less if you skip some services.
An identity is a compressed folder containing some files and secrets.
Password protected archive are supported, add a file with the password in shared/identity_password
The folder structure exemple can be found in ansible/identity/dev
so you can copy this directory and customize your own then archive it.
# Name your new identity (without spaces).
export IDENTITY=myIdentity
git clone <this repo>
cd forge
# create a directory where to store your identities (not mandatory to be in the repository)
mkdir shared
# Copy the dev identity
cp -R ansible/identity/dev shared/$IDENTITY
cd shared
# To add certificate read the in identity/dev.
# edit $IDENTITY/vars
nano $IDENTITY/vars
# edit the secrets then change the password for your new identity with ansible-vault rekey (the default password is "password")
EDITOR=nano ansible-vault edit $IDENTITY/vault.yml
ansible-vault rekey $IDENTITY/vault.yml
# create the archive
zip -r $ $IDENTITY
You can provide a custom CA for your local network and prevent traefik to create a lot of untrusted certificates by following this.
All available services will be installed and configured to be ready to use but, except the infra core (traefik, portainer, ...), all services will be stopped by default and you will need to use portainer to start them. This behavior depends on the parameter SERVICE_DEFAULT_STATE for each services in the vars/main.yml files of each roles.
# Copy the private key to access the remote host in the shared directory:
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa shared/ansible_key
# Build the image (or use the official one):
docker build --rm -t forge -f Dockerfile .
# Run the image (it will configure the TARGET)
docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd)/shared:/opt/shared -e TARGET= -e IDENTITY=$IDENTITY -e VAULT_PASSWORD=<new_password> forge
The vault password can be provided in the shared directory in a file $IDENTITY_vault_password. You can also customize authorized_keys for users and fdroid service. For more information about custom parameters read the file.
- nginx: HTTP server for static page in this case [].
- traefik: HTTPS support and reverse proxy with domain name [].
- portainer: Docker images manager [].
- Netdata: The open-source, real-time, performance and health monitoring. [].
- gogs: github like server, source storage (lighter than gitlab) [].
- jenkins: The leading open source automation server [].
- redmine: A flexible project management web application [].
- insolante: gerber to gcode converter (wrapper to pcb2gcode) [].
- mqtt: Mosquitto broker for the Internet of Things [].
- nodered: Flow-based programming for the Internet of Things [].
- octoprint: The snappy web interface for your 3D printer. [].
- Wordpress: The WordPress rich content management system [].
- nexus: Artifact manager and docker registry [].
- fdroid: Android application server [].
- Grocy: RP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. [].
- It-tools: Useful tools for developer and people working in IT. [].
- Label Studio: Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format.[].
- Audio Webui: A webui for different audio related Neural Networks.[].
- Text Webui: A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models. Supports transformers, GPTQ, llama.cpp (ggml), Llama models.[].
- Stable disffusion Webui: Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI (default to AUTOMATIC1111).[].
Service | port | protocol | Role | publicly exposed | subDomain |
Traefik | 80 | http | infra | yes | |
Traefik | 443 | https | infra | yes | |
Traefik | 8000 | http | infra | no | |
Nginx | 8001 | http | infra | no | home. |
Portainer | 8010 | http | infra | no | |
Netdata | 8011 | http | infra | no | monitor. |
Gogs | 8021 | http | CI | no | git. |
Gogs | 8022 | ssh | CI | no | git. |
Jenkins | 8023 | http | CI | no | ci. |
Mqtt | 8030 | http | Hard | no | mqtt. |
Nodered | 8031 | http | Hard | no | flows. |
Insolante | 8032 | http | Hard | no | pcb. |
Octoprint | 8033 | http | Hard | no | printers. |
Wordpress | 8040 | http | Social | no | blog. |
Nexus | 8050 | http | Storage | no | nexus. |
Nexus docker pull | 8051 | http | Storage | no | nexus. |
Nexus docker push | 8052 | http | Storage | no | nexus. |
F-droid server | 8053 | http | Storage | no | fdroid. |
F-droid scp | 8054 | ssh | Storage | no | fdroid. |
Grocy | 8056 | http | Storage | no | stock. |
It-tools | 8058 | http | Storage | no | tools. |
Label-studio | 8060 | http | ML | no | label. |
Audio-webui | 8061 | http | ML | no | audio. |
Text-webui | 8062 | http | ML | no | text. |
Text-webui-api | 8063 | http | ML | no | text. |
Text-webui-stream | 8064 | http | ML | no | text. |
Image-webui | 8065 | http | ML | no | text. |
Parameter | Role | Values | Description |
IDENTITY | common | dev | See identity description |
SKIP_SERVICES | common | All | List of service installation to skip |
An identity is a directory where to store all specific variables. By default the identity is 'dev' and contains a vault file and a vars file. A certs directory is also available for presentation purpose. Use the parameter IDENTITY to switch between them.
Parameter | Role | Values | Description |
DATACORE | common | $HOME/data | Infrastructure data directory, it will be backuped if enabled |
USER_NAME | common | forge | Default user name (will be created if doesn't exists) |
USER_MAIL | infra | username@domain.tld | Default user email (for SSL certificate) |
DOMAIN_NAME | infra | "" | HTTPS and reverse proxy domain name |
DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME | infra | "" | HTTPS and reverse proxy domain name |
DOMAIN_CERT_NAME | infra | "" | HTTPS and reverse proxy domain name |
DOMAIN_CERT_KEY_NAME | infra | "" | HTTPS and reverse proxy domain name |
Parameter | Role | Description |
USER_PASS | common | Default user password |
ROOT_PASS | common | Default root password |
BACKUP_PASS | infra | Default backup password |
BACKUP_REMOTE_PASS | infra | Default remote FTP password for backup |
WORDPRESS_DB_PASS | social | Default database password for wordpress |
MQTT_READER_PASS | hard | Default password for user with read acl |
MQTT_RW_PASS | hard | Default password for user with write acl |
JENKINS_PASS | ci | Default jenkins admin user password |
NEXUS_ADMIN_PASS | storage | Default nexus admin user password |
Parameter | Description |
ldap_domain | ldap domain name (if set enable ldap) |
ldap_secure | ldap switch to use ldaps |
ldap_remotes | ldap remote url (comma separated list) |
ldap_username | ldap user name |
ldap_password | ldap user passwords |
ldap_search | ldap base search string |
ldap_admin_group | ldap group used to get admin rights |
ldap_access_group | ldap group used to get acces rights |
master2slave_username | username used to connect slaves |
master2slave_private_key | Key used to connect slaves throught SSH |
git_deploy_username | username used to connect slaves |
git_deploy_private_key | Key used to clone git repositories |
nexus_deploy_username | credential to upload artifacts on nexus |
nexus_deploy_password | credential to upload artifacts on nexus |
Some services are not skipable like https, homepage and portainer.
MQTT and nodered services can be skipped by adding "domotic" in SKIP_SERVICES.
All others use the main container name (nexus, gogs, jenkins, wordpress, insolante, ...).
Some services like jenkins, nexus, wordpress are not available on armv7.
Let's Encrypt have a limit of registrable certificate per week.
To get a new certificate onDemand should be set to true in traefik.tml.
When a certificate is valid then it will be in acme.json with chmod=600 and must be saved.
If a bad gateway error occurs then wait a few moments to get the certificate renewal complete.
The certificate is ciphered with the vault password.
This system will create an archive and upload it to the specified FTP server in a directory under FTP_ROOT/FORGE_MODE/
By default it will keep the 3 latest backups.
To login to the docker registry if there is no https (distribution/distribution#1874)
Should not happen now with traefik.
Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json on your host and write:
"insecure-registries":["registry.ip:8051", "registry.ip:8052"]
Restart docker daemon:
sudo service docker restart
All password are 'test' except for root and the user created by ansible.
Even if fdroid-server image allows to set a password for fdroid user we will use authorized_keys system.
So create the file in shared/fdroid_authorized_keys
with your public keys.
Some services are not available on Arm 32bits (armv7l):
- Wordpress: mariadb is not compatible so the service become deactivated.
- Jenkins: Ressources consumption is really high for this service, is is disabled on armv7.
- Nexus: Ressources consumption is really high for this service, is is disabled on armv7.
Nexus and Jenkins contains groovy scripts to connect them to an external active directory. ldap_* variables must all be set to be able to use it in these services. ldap_secure is used only for Nexus (not tested yet). ldap_admin_group is used on Nexus and Jenkins but ldap_access_groups[0] is only used on Nexus. Local account stay enabled only on Nexus (please use a strong password).
This service is built from the sources and need an Nvidia GPU to work. Is no GPU is detected the service is not installed.
The string "@localhost" is appened to the default admin user as the default login