
final year project: gateway that interfaces with the devices, the boiler controller and the web interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting Started

Node and Npm are required for this project.

First need to run npm install to install all of the required modules. Then run npm start to start the server.



basePath: /api/v1


GET /trv

Return all of the trv's connected to the gateway

Specifics required type
params no N/A
body No N/A
returns N/A Array

GET /trv/{id}

Return the details of a particular trv that is connected to the gateway

Specifics required type
params Yes, id String
body No N/A
returns N/A Object

PUT /trv/{id}

Update the details of a trv that is connected to the gateway

Specifics required type
params yes, id String
body yes, fields of trv that wished to be changed Object
returns N/A Object

DELETE /trv/{id}

Delete a trv that is connected to the gateway

Specifics required type
params yes, id String
body No N/A
returns N/A N/A

Returns nothing

GET /trv/{id}/isActive

Return whether a particular trv is active or not

Specifics required type
params yes, id String
body No N/A
returns N/A Object

GET /trv/{id}/temperature

Returns the current temperature for a particular trv

Specifics required type
params yes, id String
body No N/A
returns N/A Object

PUT /trv/{id}/temperature

Updates the target temperature for a particular trv

Specifics required type
params yes, id String
body yes, with target temperature property Object
returns N/A N/A

GET /trv/{id}/info

returns a JSON object of time, current temperature, target temperature and activity


POST /schedule

GET /schedule

GET /schedule/{scheduleId}

PUT /schedule/{scheduleId}

DELETE /schedule/{scheduleId}