
A html dom query tool that works like jquery in browser. HTML DOM 命令行操作工具

Primary LanguageHTML

hq - html query tool, with jQuery notation on dom operation


This is a tool that works like jQuery notation in browser. 一个按jQuery风格的,工作在命令行下的 html dom 筛选器工具


  • 20160626: auto detect the file encoding by <meta http-equiv=...> or <meta charset=...> tag, then re-encode the output to utf8, if options [-noenc] is not specified.
  • 20160626: open the -u STRING first as file, if failed , as url. and if not prefix with http, add http:// before request


Usage of ./hq:
  -attr string
        print the attribute <string> in node, <string> are comma seperated, and output is joined with tab. eg: -attr href,target
  -d    debug or not, if debug, some more will be output
        print the innerHTML of the node
        DO NOT care about the output encoding. without this option, we try to detect and encode the output to utf8
        print the outerHTML of the node
        print the TEXT part of the node. same as <-attr 'text'>
  -u string
        URI or FilePath to scrape. default STDIN, so we can pipe sth :). URL must start with 'http' (default "-")

Example usage: ./hq [options] <-html|-ohtml|-text|-attr <name1,name2,...> > <selector>
    selector: jQuery style selector. eg: "head script"
    -html|-ohtml|-text|-attr: must specify at least one of these functions

    When u want to print multiple field that combined with text part and attribute, such as href and textbody,  you can <-attr 'href, text'>.


./hq -u 'http://www.qq.com' -attr 'href,text' 'div#newsInfoQuanguo a[target="_blank"]'  

** Note **

  • The selector chose the 'XXX' in <div id="newsInfoQuanguo">...<a target="_blank">xx</a>...</div>. Learn more about the jQuery selector (here http://www.w3school.com.cn/jquery/jquery_selectors.asp)
  • Take care about the encoding, u should make sure that it fits your own env. we consider that you works in utf8 envirionment

It will produce a list like this below . the original html was stored at index.html (on 26 Jun 2016), just try it

    http://news.qq.com/a/20160625/030480.htm        ***同普京会谈
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/007469.htm        中俄联合声明:加强全球战略稳定
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/011341.htm        推进信息网络空间发展
    http://news.qq.com/p/topic/20140818025149/index.html    专题
    http://news.qq.com/zt2016/zhesannian/index.htm  治国理政
    http://news.qq.com/p/topic/20160620059297/index.html    建党95周年
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160625/029599.htm        李克强历届达沃斯演讲传递什么信号
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160625/030573.htm        会见普京
    http://finance.qq.com/zt2016/davos2016s/index.htm       专题
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/014784.htm        国资委副主任等3位省部级官员被通报违反八项规定
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/021171.htm        公安部副部长率队赴湖南宜章调查客车起火事故
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/001566.htm        长征七号火箭首飞成功
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/001201.htm        揭秘:为何尾焰多了蓝色
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/008391.htm#p=1    后悔了?英国民众吁二次公投 请愿签名超157万
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/014658.htm        老太被蜱虫叮咬生命垂危 320小时血液过滤救回
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/008072.htm#p=1    -
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/008072.htm#p=1    张家界玻璃桥“安检”:小车碾压 30人铁锤猛砸
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/006650.htm        江苏盐城救援战士昼夜奋斗 累了睡废墟
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/015564.htm        中纪委机关报:党员不交党费就是脱党 就应除名
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/001233.htm        长征七号到登月有多远
    http://news.qq.com/newspedia/changqi.htm        动画演示火箭有多牛
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/013499.htm        “百名红通人员”30人到案 都是怎么追回来的
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/014704.htm#p=1    朝鲜举行大规模群众集会 纪念“反美斗争日”
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/013335.htm        揭KTV冰妹:陪人吸毒1次赚上千 心肝等器官患病
    http://sports.qq.com/isocce/2016copaamerica/    美洲杯-哥伦比亚1-0美国获季军 巴卡破门制胜
    http://sports.qq.com/nba        NBA-杜兰特七大下家曝光 美男篮12人名单出炉
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/016906.htm#p=1    -
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/016906.htm#p=1    夫妻因租不起房 带着婴儿在网吧吃住半个月
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/006940.htm#p=1    陕西神木一镇政府新房烂尾 借房办公
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/000214.htm        公务员谈仕途变化:51岁还能晋升 不再跑官要官
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/002534.htm        90岁抗战老兵公园内乞讨 官方:不符优抚政策
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/011184.htm#p=1    龙卷风到来时,他在废墟下“舍身护妻”
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/005212.htm        高考状元清华博士毕业回西安:北京房价太贵
    http://news.qq.com/a/20160626/019287.htm        蓝孔雀男厕洗手台照镜子 网友:美男子
    http://ent.qq.com/a/20160625/031437.htm 黄渤演讲拿自己开涮:教你如何抹平“颜值差”
    http://ent.qq.com/a/20160626/010372.htm 小贝赴港出席活动 徐子淇半亿黄钻抢镜
    http://ent.qq.com/a/20160625/031942.htm 【存照】美丽俏女神,公公眼中好儿媳  
