
Best RPN calculator on the net!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Best RPN calculator on the net!
This is the version 1.0.0 of rpncalc and is licenced under GPL V3. This is a Python 3.6.9 project following the PEP 8 conventions, made with care in vscode(the newest version). The app gets installed in the form of a cli package, with the help of the setup.py file present in the root directory of the project. Pylint is used for Python 3 style. Google docstrings are used for comments in the project. Black and autopep8 is used for auto formatting. Okay, vulture was used for dead code removal, but there wasn't any dead code :P
I have tried to make the most user friendly rpn calculator, which is robust and maintainable at the same time. Please install/use the rpncalc project exactly the way as it is written in the respective topics below. Please use vscode to view the code. Please put a file named .rpnrc in your home directory, if you want to modify the configuration settings.


Command Line

This is the command line help from our reference implementation:


  rpncalc                                   Launch in interactive mode
  rpncalc [expression]                      Evaluate a one-line expression
  rpncalc [expression1] , [expression2]     One can also excute several expressions in a pipeline by using the ',' operator.


  rpncalc will execute the contents of ~/.rpnrc at startup if it exists.


  rpncalc 1 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +              => 15
  rpncalc pi cos                         => -1.0
  rpncalc                                => interactive mode

Command Set

Arithmetic Operators

  +          Add
  -          Subtract
  *          Multiply
  /          Divide
  cla        Clear the stack and variables
  clr        Clear the stack
  clv        Clear the variables
  !          Boolean NOT
  !=         Not equal to
  %          Modulus
  ++         Increment
  --         Decrement

Bitwise Operators

  &          Bitwise AND
  |          Bitwise OR
  ^          Bitwise XOR
  ~          Bitwise NOT
  <<         Bitwise shift left
  >>         Bitwise shift right

Boolean Operators

  &&         Boolean AND
  ||         Boolean OR
  ^^         Boolean XOR

Comparison Operators

  <          Less than
  <=         Less than or equal to
  ==         Equal to
  >          Greater than
  >=         Greater than or equal to

Trigonometric Functions

  acos       Arc Cosine
  asin       Arc Sine
  atan       Arc Tangent
  cos        Cosine
  cosh       Hyperbolic Cosine
  sin        Sine
  sinh       Hyperbolic Sine
  tanh       Hyperbolic tangent

Numeric Utilities

  ceil       Ceiling
  floor      Floor
  round      Round
  ip         Integer part
  fp         Floating part
  sign       Push -1, 0, or 0 depending on the sign
  abs        Absolute value
  max        Max
  min        Min

Display Modes

  hex        Switch display mode to hexadecimal
  dec        Switch display mode to decimal (default)
  bin        Switch display mode to binary
  oct        Switch display mode to octal


  e          Push e
  pi         Push Pi
  rand       Generate a random number

Mathematic Functions

  exp        Exponentiation
  fact       Factorial
  sqrt       Square Root
  ln         Natural Logarithm
  log        Logarithm
  pow        Raise a number to a power


  hnl        Host to network long
  hns        Host to network short
  nhl        Network to host long
  nhs        Network to host short

Stack Manipulation

  pick       Pick the -n'th item from the stack
  repeat     Repeat an operation n times, e.g. '3 repeat +'
  depth      Push the current stack depth
  drop       Drops the top item from the stack
  dropn      Drops n items from the stack
  dup        Duplicates the top stack item
  dupn       Duplicates the top n stack items in order
  roll       Roll the stack upwards by n
  rolld      Roll the stack downwards by n
  stack      Toggles stack display from horizontal to vertical
  swap       Swap the top 2 stack items

Macros and Variables

  macro      Defines a macro, e.g. 'macro kib 1024 *'
  x=         Assigns a variable, e.g. '1024 x='


  help       Print the help message
  exit       Exit the calculator


  1. Unzip the repository.
  2. cd inside the repository.
  3. Install the package using pip3 install .
  4. Uninstall the package using pip3 uninstall rpncalc

For one time usage

  1. set -f (to disable glob)
  2. Use rpncalc 2 3 *, 4 *
  3. set +f


The test are written using pytest and unittest See the tests present in test directory or just eun them using pytest command.


The docs are generated by sphinx. See the docs present in docs/build/html/index.html