

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Forced Evolution


Version 2.0

INSTALL: The only file needed to run is fe.py

USAGE: WINDOWS: python fe.py LINUX: ./fe.py OSX ./fe.py

TLDR; example: python fe.py TARGET='' ADDR='vuln1/index.php' VULN_VAR='input' METHOD=get GOAL_TEXT='KEY_DATA'


  • Aside from fe.py, no other files are needed. They are provided for development and clarity reasons
  • Forced Evolution is a self-modifying tool. It will find successful exploits and update it's internal database accordingly
  • The OTHER_VARIABLES option is not required. Everthing other option is required, though.
  • Bugs, problems, or feature reuqests please email me at soen.vanned [@] gmail.com

OPTIONS: TARGET The target option is the server IP that you are attacking. It is recommended to not use a hostname, as the dns lookups significantly slow forced evolution down. ADDR This is the path URL to the vulnerable page. example:. /herp/derp/vuln.php VULN_VAR This is the POST or GET variable that will be exploited METHOD This can either be POST or GET, this defines the behavior of forced evolution as it communicates over HTTP POSTs and GETs OTHER_VARS This is for inclusion of other variables needed to reach the potentially exploitable code, such as session variables. The format for this is designed such that they can be copy/pasted out of a URL or post request, example: VAR1=DATA1&VAR2=DATA2 GOAL_TEXT This is The most important option to get correct, as it will define when an exploit string is deemed as WORKING. General principles surrounding this:

  1. Forced Evolution ignores case in GOAL_TEXT
  2. If you are attempting to bypass a login form, use text that would indicate a successful login. example: "Login Successful".
  3. If you are attempting to use command injection, figure out some sort of indicative response from the server that would indicate that you have command injection. example: "Directory of" (for windows CMDi)
  4. For SQL injection, determine what you would like to find in the database to determine if you have an injectable scenario. example "row in set"
  5. For SQL injection, forced evolution contains no capabilities (innately) for dumping databases or post exploitation, it is recommended to take the exploit produced by forced evolution and feed it into a post exploitation tool like sqlmap (a fantastic post- exploitation tool).

This tool is free.

If you want to embed this in a product that will be sold, please don't pay me, rather consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. - - - > https://www.eff.org/ < - - -


Contributors: Josh Hyde for contributing a safer database for use against less resilient targets