
A set of scripts and analysis commands to harvest Tweets and identify content of interest, meaningful search criteria, and value keywords/phrases.

Twitter Hunting

Twitter Hunting focuses on deriving meaningful threat intelligence from public tweets. The effort was started in Jan. 2019 as a result of an increasing noise to signal ratio, a lack of standardization in Twitter OSINT sharing (for defenders), and the inability to search Twitter using regex. What we have built are a set of scripts and analysis commands to harvest Tweets and identify content of interest, meaningful search criteria, and value keywords/phrases.

As part of the project, we are releasing the raw data (25M tweets / 170k+ profiles) from our research that was presented on 10/26/19 at BSidesDC:

BSidesDC Recording


Repo Update Checklist

  • Slide upload - /BSidesDC2019_Talk_Slides
  • Raw Data upload - /raw_data
  • FAQ upload
  • Analyses/results upload
  • Script upload
  • Lots more...

@markaorlando @secdatanoms

@markaorlando         @secdatanoms