
This is a repo to share the work Giacomo and Baptiste are doing in relation to create a SaaS version of integration.Qlik.com

Easily move your mashup and web app to Qlik Cloud

Embedded analytics seamlessly integrate analytic capabilities and content into business applications, products, websites or portals. It lets users quickly access relevant data and insights in their daily workflows without slowing down and switching to use a separate analytics application. Embedded analytics from Qlik Sense Client Managed site can easily be modernized by moving to Qlik Cloud Platform.

What's the value to move your mashup on Qlik Cloud?

There are many advantages we can offer for moving your embedded analytics solution to Qlik Cloud architecture:

  • A high-performance and secure cloud architecture, scalable and elastic
  • Seamless, continuous release of upgrades and enhancements
  • Reduced burden on internal IT resources
  • Improve your embedded analytics by
    • Add value embedding new capabilities features : Alerting, Natural Language Processing, Automation,...
    • Oppurtunity to upgrade your web integration with the lastest released libraries as Nebula.js and visualization capabilities (timeseries forecasting etc...)
    • An easy, robust and secure cloud solution integration with for example handling CORS requests in Qlik Sense SaaS

Qlik Cloud allows you to surf the wave of modern analytics, always giving you immediate access to new features and improvements. It allows you to discover new use cases, deploying to a larger population and create new business value within Qlik Active Intelligence platform.

How to move your mashup from Qlik Sense Client-Managed to Qlik Cloud?

Assess your current web integration

Typically the three main pillars for completing an integration project concern understanding and choosing where to host the solution, how I can authenticate and authorize users who already use the services inside my platform to be able to access the embedded analytics and which is the web integration method most in line with the needs I have. There are many different ways and possibilities to deploy mashup with Qlik. Start by asking you the right questions:

  • Where my mashup or web application is hosted?

  • How do I manage the authentication?

  • Which embedding strategy do I currently use?


1. Hosting

Understand the context

First thing is to assess what we want to move to Qlik Cloud :

  • Where the analytics is embedded?
  • Which can of resources are using?
  • Where the sources are hosted?

In Qlik, we have 2 kind of integrated applications :

  • Web Apps : All the web applications in which we are using the Qlik Backend API. Here, no Qlik front-end files are used (JS or CSS).
  • Mashups : The integration of Qlik resources in web applications using API or librairies as Qlik Sense Capabilities API or Nebula.JS and other front-end Qlik resources as JS and CSS files. Embedding an IFrame in an web page is also a mashup.

Moreover, the mashup or web application can be embedded in another product. In this case potential specific dependencies must be analyzed.

Where can I host my mashups?

The mashup or web-app must be hosted in a cloud accessible location. Qlik Cloud and the user must have access to the resources. Even if it is not recommended for production, in Qlik Sense Client-Managed you had the possibility to host the mashup directly on Qlik site. This is not possible in Qlik Cloud. One possibility is to host it on a cloud provider hosting service. For simple use case with a static web-site mashup, a common storage provider can be used.

Here some examples on different cloud providers

Warning : These tutorials make content available to the public internet. Please adapt the security regarding your use cases.


Moving the mashup or the web app to Qlik Cloud will have impacts in term of security and resources location.

Browsers and web servers implement security policies to mitigate risks inherent with being connected to the internet. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) allows to a server to indicate the origin from which a browser should permit loading resources. When a web server shares a resource such as an image on its own server, it is following the same-origin policy. In this case, the resource is accessed by the same protocol, domain, and port as the server. On the other hand, a secure request for a resource from a different origin (known as a cross-origin request) requires a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy. CORS allows servers to specify who (the origin) can access the assets on the server. To enable cross-origin resource sharing, the site URL that is hosting the mashup or web app must be added to a whitelist on the Qlik Sense SaaS tenant. This process of setting up the whitelist is known as web integration. Qlik Sense allows you to configure CORS policies on a per web integration basis. For example, if you have two web integrations "A" and "B", and you want both to be accessible from foo.com, you need to add foo.com to the domain whitelist of both web integrations. Web integration entities are created by the tenant admin through the management console. From Qlik Help Page

Need more help on Content Security Policy?

The resources location must also be updated

<script src="https://www.yourtenant.eu.qlikcloud.com/resources/assets/external/requirejs/require.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://QSE_domain/resources/autogenerated/qlik-styles.css">

Of course, as your Qlik applications are now hosting in a new Qlik Sense site, the Application should also be changed...

All these kind of change are detailed below!

2. Authentication

Within this part, therefore, we must deal with the concept of security within the Sense platform and show you also in this case the different possibilities we have to authenticate a user to our platform. Authentication in Qlik Sense allows you to establish a user session within the platform and typically answers the question "Who is the user"? The authentication process requires that based on something that the user has, this allows him or her to access the platform or not. In Qlik Sense Cloud, as well as in Qlik Sense Client-Managed, you can use an already existing identity provider (IdP) when setting up your deployment. For more information regarding this part, please visit Security section on the top navbar)

3. Embedding Strategy

How to modernize your embedded analytics with Qlik? As you are probably already aware, we offer different methods and levels of integration, each one with a different complexity. Which one is right for your needs depends on the design requirements you have. In relation to Embedded Analytics with Qlik, we basically offer four different types of embedding strategies:

  • Iframe Integration
  • Div-Tag Integration
  • On the fly
  • Data Only

Can I maintain the same embedding strategies I adopted on Qlik Sense Client Managed on my new Qlik Cloud platform? Yes, of course you can!. You just need to be aware about some small differences there are between the two different platforms in terms of embedding. Let's see them in details in the next sections where we assume you are already aware and you already know the embedding strategies you are currently using. If this is not the case, we invite you to see the section [Web Integration With Qlik] where you can start from scratch and choose the best integration method that fits with your needs. In any case, as you will be able to see in the following sections, everything can be done by calling the Qlik native APIs included within the standard product in SaaS.

Iframe Integration


Converting your Integration via Iframe from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows to Qlik Cloud Services is fairly straightforward. To convert your existing Iframe Integration to Qlik SaaS, please follow the steps below.


Before performing any kind of integration via Iframe, Content Security Policy (CSP) needs to be properly configured. Every Qlik Sense SaaS tenant explicitly states in its CSP header that an iframe can only be displayed by “self” which is the Qlik Sense SaaS tenant itself. Unlike in some cases on Qlik Sense Client-Managed, the Qlik Sense SaaS tenant and your web app server are two separate entities, meaning Qlik's CSP policy blocks the access of objects in other domains for a security precaution. If content security policy is not configured ,the browser throws an error because it's unable to display the iframe. Please for more details regarding Content Security Policy(CSP) and how to properly configure it to correctly load an iframe from Qlik Sense Saas, visit this page on qlik.dev

How to do it

Once pre-requisites are met, there are three different possibilities to embed Qlik Cloud content using Iframe: Embed an entire app, a single sheet or embed an existing visualization object. The APIs to be used are the same you've already used on the client-managed platform, i.e.App Integration APIs or Single Integration APIs.

You can then easily migrate from a Qlik Sense on Windows Iframe integration to Qlik Cloud by only changing the hostName and the appId inside the iFrame URL. Do I need to change also sheetId and objects Id? Well, if you migrated correctly the app into Qlik Sense SaaS, the ids of these objects should remain the same. If otherwise you need to embed new content (new visualizations or new sheets) via iFrame that didn't exist before inside the former Qlik app, please go to the home page and refer to Qlik Cloud --> Embedding section to see how to generate the correct Iframe URL to perform the integration from scratch.

Entire App (App Integration APIs)

The App Integration API provides parameters that can be used to create a URL that returns a complete HTML page containing the embedded app. This URL can be embedded in a web page, for example by including it in an iFrame.

  • Just replace your old hostName (former Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server name) with the new Qlik Cloud tenant name and region (e.g. your-tenant.eu.qlikcloud.com).
  • Replace your former appId on Qlik Sense on Windows environment with the new appId your tenant assigned to the app you've imported previously.
  • sheetId should remain the same as before.
  <iframe src="https://{hostName}/sense/app/{appid}/sheet/{sheetid}/state/analysis" style="border:none;width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>
Single Sheet (Single Integration APIs)

You can integrate single Qlik Sense visualizations, sheets or snapshots into an iframe. You use the Single Integration API to define how the object should be integrated into your web site.

  • Just replace your old hostName (former Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server name) with the new Qlik Cloud tenant name and region (e.g. your-tenant.eu.qlikcloud.com).
  • Replace your former appId on Qlik Sense on Windows environment with the new appId your tenant assigned to the app you've imported previously.
  • sheetId should remain the same as before.
<iframe src="https://{hostName}/single/?appid={appId}&sheet={sheetid}&opt=ctxmenu,currsel" style="border:none;width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>
Single Object (Single Integration APIs)
  • Replace your old hostName (old Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server name) with the new Qlik Cloud tenant name and region (e.g. your-tenant.eu.qlikcloud.com).
  • Replace your former appId on Qlik Sense on Windows environment with the new appId your tenant assigned to the app you've imported previously.
  • objectId should remain the same as before.
<iframe src="https://{hostName}/single/?appid={appId}&obj={objectId}&opt=ctxmenu,currsel" style="border:none;width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>

Known Limitations / Considerations

  • Embedding the Hub in Qlik Cloud is not possible at the moment.

Javascript Integration (Div-Tag, On-The-Fly, Data Only)


In this section we are going to describe how to adapt your existing mashup based on Capability APIs to be moved to Qlik Cloud. Please note that we have also another Javascript library available for Embedded Analytics use case that is Nebula.js. This is a collection of product and framework agnostic JavaScript libraries and APIs that helps developers integrate visualizations and mashups on top of the Qlik associative engine. It offers developers a modern alternative to the capability APIs. If you are interested to convert your existing mashup to Nebula.js please go to the home page and refer to Qlik Cloud --> Embedding section. Otherwise, if you are just interested to adapt your Capability APIs mashup to Qlik Cloud, continue in the below sections.


In order to correctly perform an integration using Javascript APIs, a new web integration id has to be created from the Qlik Cloud management console. You can create web integrations to add origins that are allowlisted to access the tenant. The web integration containing the allow list is connected to an ID used for example in a mashup that is connecting to your tenant. When a request arrives, Qlik Sense confirms that the request derives from an allowlisted domain and then approves the request, else not. Make sure you add the source that hosts the mashup to your whitelist while creating a new web Integration ID.

How to do it

In order to move your existing Div Tag integration from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows to Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS, we need to make a set of small changes to the config settings and the source of Qlik libraries we are loaded to perform the integration. The core part of the integration using capabilities APIs remains unchanged as the same library is available on Qlik Cloud.

The adaptation we need to make can be summarized in the following steps:

  • Change Config settings, in particular:

    • Change the references of the actual Qlik associative engine connection, which is used when you open an app or get a list of apps. This is covered by the config JavaScript object, used as a parameter in the openApp call.
    • To define where the Qlik Sense client-side software and files should be loaded from. This is achieved by configuring RequireJS with the require.config call and setting the baseUrl.
    • To define the web integration ID, which is necessary to enable cross-domain resource sharing.
      const config = {
        host: 'your-tenant.eu.qlikcloud.com',        //replace your-tenant with your tenant name and the region with the region of your tenant
        prefix: '/',
        port: 443,
        isSecure: true,
        webIntegrationId: 'web-integration-id-here',  //paste here the web integration id you've created in the pre-reqs section
        baseUrl: `https://${config.host}/resources`,
        webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId,
  • Connect to the right Qlik Sense Cloud app containing the objects you want to display on your web page.

      const app = qlik.openApp('AppId', config); // Replace the former 'AppId' with the new appId of the app imported in the cloud tenant

    If you properly performed the app migration to Qlik Cloud, the objects id in the subsequents getObject calls app.getObject('divID','objectId');, should remain the same as the former Qlik Sense on Windows app.

  • Change the location to load both qlik-styles.css and require.js. Replace the relationship between the current html document and the linked Qlik Sense defined style sheet in <link/> rel tag inside the <head/> of the HTML file, together with the link to require.js module loader loaded through the <script> tag. Replace both qlik-styles.css and require.js location inside the main .html file where these resources are loaded.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://{your-tenant-name}.eu.qlikcloud.com/resources/autogenerated/qlik-styles.css" />
<script src="https://{your-tenant-name}.eu.qlikcloud.com/resources/assets/external/requirejs/require.js"></script>

Known Limitations / Considerations

If you are using extensions in your Qlik Apps, you need to load them from the Management Console of your tenant. Please before doing it, check out this page before importing them into Qlik Cloud where you can find requirements for extensions compatibility in Qlik Cloud.

Others changes? Tips & Tricks

  • Where my application must be published?

In most of the case the existing Qlik application will be imported or distributed on Qlik Cloud. We recommend to use an application from a managed space in your Mashup. Managed spaces are commonly used for governed content. The security implemented for this space and application will define who can access to the application. All users using the mashup or web app must be authorized in this space. Please refer how to manage permission in a managed space for more information

Here a simple application workflow in the same tenant.


Note that in a hybrid cloud where the application is distributed from a Qlik Sense Client Managed site, the application will only be in the managed space.

In a OEM context, the Qlik recommended approach to set-up a multi-tenancy is to have 1 tenant per end-customer.

Users (or end-customers) are authenticated against each customer tenant. The Qlik applications used in the mashups or web apps have been distributed from the parent tenant to the customer tenants. Web apps or Mashups, hosted in a web server, embbed analytics from each tenants.

One mashup can be linked to one tenant...


... Or it can be dynamic to centralize source code


The application id will also change! Take a look to the URL of the application or click on ... of the application thumbtail, then Details to get access to the app metadata including the AppId. As in Qlik Sense Client-Managed, objectId should stay similar.

You also can get the AppId from the metadata by REST API. You can retrieve the AppId when you create the application or you can explore your Spaces and Items to reach the right application.

  • Ouch! I was used to develop with the Dev-Hub!?

There is currently no Dev-Hub in Qlik Cloud. However, below some tips and tools to facilitate the move.

  • Developer mode to explore objects

You can get the object id, properties, and layout of any object this way. There's also a link to open the object in single configurator, and test exporting. The object id's are useful for embedding visualizations. The properties are useful if you are creating your own objects and want to check the properties of an object in a Qlik Sense app for reference. More infos here

1. Open a sheet in a Qlik Sense app in your browser
2. Add /options/developer to the url
3. Right click on an object and choose "Developer"


  • External tooling as a web editor?

There is no mashup editor in Qlik SaaS. There are plenty of tools for web development as Glitch where you can experiment easily. Follow Qlik on Glitch for mashups example and to be inspired

  • New Qix Explorer to interact with the Qlik Engine

To leverage the full potential of the platform to create complex visualizations or satisfy custom development needs, understanding the Engine API is fundamental to taking advantage of what Qlik Sense hides under the hood.

Take a look to the new QIX explorer - More info here


Going further : Improve your embedded analytics

Nebula.js and Enigma.js

You can improve and modernize your analytics thanks to new librairies.


Enigma.js and Nebula.js allows an advanced capabilities of integration and framework agnostic

  • Enigma.js is a wrapper library that makes communicating with the engine easier with JavaScript rather than using the straight websockets.
  • Qlik nebula.js is an open source collection of JavaScript libraries, visualizations, and CLIs that help developers build and integrate visualizations into their own web app or build their own client extension.

Going further to leverage more value and active intelligence from the whole Qlik Cloud platform

More info on Qlik.Dev