A Java Davex client for sniffing the protocol ********************************************* The HTTP protocol Jackrabbit is using in spi2davex (for communicating between client and server) was documented, but is quite outdated in the meantime. The docs can be found here: https://fosswiki.liip.ch/display/jackalope/Downloads Therefore the best way to see, what jackrabbit is actually doing is using a client (in java) which uses the davex layer and sniff that (with eg. wireshark or Charles Proxy) Now you can write your JCR operations you want to implement in src/Client.java and then see what happens USAGE ***** * adjust Client.java (for the connection parameters and your operations) in src/ * Point to your jackrabbit-standalone-*.jar in buildandrun.sh * then run buildandrun.sh * and watch the traffic davold BRANCH ************* If you want to see, what it does without using the Batch/Diff stuff, use the "davold" branch. Currently Jackalope doesn't do the diff stuff, so that may be more useful. EXAMPLES ******** in the examples/ directory there are some examples, copy them to src/Client.java and recompile