
crawl the public files of different governments through python 3.

Primary LanguagePython


CSDN Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/jackandsnow/article/details/100145227

This project aims to crawl the public files of different governments of cities, like public government files, public office files, police files, etc.

1.Environment Introduction: This project is implemented by python 3, and the dependencies you need to install are mainly pandas, openpyxl, docx, requests and lxml.

2.Codes Introduction: The file named 'common.tools.py' provides some common functions for you to craw files from different governments' websites. For example, These functions can help you get the html text from a target url, help you get the total page number of notifications for each website, help you download files through a link, help you write word or excel files.

3.File Storage: The files crawled from one government website can be saved as word files, and the attachments will be downloaded as well. what's more, all files detail information will be written to an excel file. (Also, you can just save the files to txt file, seeing the following picture.)


4.Examples: This project is only for crawling Shenzhen government public files. As you can see in codes, different python files for crawling different public files. For instance, the file 'craw_shenzhen_gov_files.py' is to crawl files of Shenzhen government. The file 'craw_shenzhen_gov_bulletin.py' aims to crawl bulletins of Shenzhen government.

5.If you just want to crawl other governments' files, you just need to change the target urls and adjust the codes according to its website structure. I hope this project can help more companions who want to learn about crawling. Finally, if you are really benefited from this project, please give a star for this project.