Next Tech Adventurers project

A basic folder structure and set of starter files for the Code First Girls project

Getting started

All these steps happen in terminal

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Go into the repo folder
cd [wherever you put it]/codefirstgirls
  1. Run npm install to install all the node modules you'll need to run the project
npm install
  1. Compile all the css, js, html and icons; Start the server; Watch for changes to css, js and html
  1. Visit the site in your favorite browser

The folder structure

- gulpfile.js // Small JS file that runs tasks we need for the project eg: combining css
- package.json // A list of all the packages we need to run tasks via gulpfile.js
- dist/ // Where all the src files are combined to. DON'T EDIT THIS!
- src/
 - css/ // Put css for the project here
 - html/ // Put html for the project here
 - images // Put images for the project here
 - js // Put js for the project here
- index.html // The index page you see when you visit localhost.2017. DON'T EDIT THIS! It is compiled from src/html/
- icons.json // List of the icons available for the project that is compiled to dist/icons

