
A program for managing a game of a generalized version of go

Primary LanguagePython


The is a python application/web server that runs a generalized version of go in which a stone extends across multiple spaces. Here's an example a 23x23 board from near the end of the game.

Sample Game


Gengo is a generalized version of go that allows stones to be placed on a finer-grained grid. Stones have an a overlap region in which other stones cannot be played, and a neighbor region (beyond the immediate adjacent stones) in which stones are considered to be neighbors. For the full rules look here.


Command-line application

To run the python program, from this directory do

python gengo.py

Several options exists to play for rules; see python gengo.py -h for more information.

Enter a move as a tuple of a row and a column, e.g.


A move can be undone with u; no entry is a pass.

Web application

To run gengo on the web, start both a game server and a web server.

To start the game server, from this directory do

python start_server.py

To start the web server: from the gengo/app directory, do

export FLASK_APP=routes.py
flask run --host=

(for a developement server, do export FLASK_ENV=development first). This starts a server on port 5000. Point a browser to http://localhost:5000/gengo/new and enter the name of the game, the board size and any other options. Point a second browser to http://localhost:5000/gengo/join and click on the appropriate game.

To connect to the web server from a client on another machine, ensure the firewall allows access to ports 5000 and 8765 (for websocket connections to the game server).


To run tests, do pytest from this directory.

Note that this is still in alpha and is mostly useful for understanding the game.