
Send SMS notifications from Icinga2

Primary LanguageShell

Cellsynt SMS notification

These scripts sends out SMS notifictions for Icinga2 via the Swedish company Cellsynt. There is one script for hosts, and one for services.

I have used the two scripts mail-host-notification.sh and mail-service-notification.sh as templates for my scripts.

Usage and installation

Drop the scripts sms-host-notification.sh and sms-service-notification.sh in /etc/icinga2/scripts/. Place cellsyntuser.sh in /etc/icinga2/ and set the username and password to match your account at Cellsynt.

Next you need to define the commands in either commands.conf or by using Director. Below is an example of my own commands.conf for host notifications.

object NotificationCommand "SMS Host Notification" {
    import "plugin-notification-command"
    command = [ "/etc/icinga2/scripts/sms-host-notification.sh" ]
    arguments += {
        "-4" = {
            required = true
            value = "$host.address$"
        "-6" = {
            required = false
            value = "$host.address6$"
        "-l" = {
            required = true
            value = "$host.name$"
        "-o" = {
            required = true
            value = "$host.output$"
        "-p" = {
            required = true
            value = "$user.pager$"
        "-s" = {
            required = true
            value = "$host.state$"
        "-t" = {
            required = true
            value = "$notification.type$"