
Small and simple OpenNTPD container with Swedish Netnod NTP servers :whale:

Primary LanguageDockerfile

OpenNTPD with Swedish Netnod NTP-servers

This is a simple and small OpenNTPD container pre-configured with NTP-servers from the Swedish Netnod. All servers have the same weight, so it should work equally well wherever you live in Sweden.

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As a client

To simply use it as a client to synchronize your local computer clock, just run it and add the capability to change the clock and set the nice level. For example:

docker run -d --name ntp --cap-add SYS_TIME --cap-add SYS_NICE --restart=always jackbenny/swedish-ntp

As a server

You need to publish UDP port 123 to be able to connect to the OpenNTPD daemon. For example:

docker run -d --name ntp --cap-add SYS_TIME --cap-add SYS_NICE --publish 123:123/udp --restart=always jackbenny/swedish-ntp

Additional information

For more information about Netnod NTP servers, see Netnod's NTP service. Please note that I am not in any way affiliated with Netnod.

For more information about OpenNTPD, see OpenNTPD.