
A Kawaii and small tool to fix and validate gherkin code styles.

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Kawaii Gherkin

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Kawaii Gherkin is a small tool to fix and verify gherkin code style.


$ composer require --dev malukenho/kawaii-gherkin

Analyzing code

To analyze code style, simple run:

$ vendor/bin/kawaii gherkin:check [--align [right|left]] <directory>

Fixing code

To fix code style, simple run:

$ vendor/bin/kawaii gherkin:fix [--align [right|left]] <directory>




     Feature: User registration
            In order to order products
               As a visitor
            I need to be able to create an account in the store

            Background: Nice Background
                      Given store has default configuration
              And there are following users:
                      | email       | password |
                          | bar@bar.com | foo1sasdasdasdadsasd     |
             And the following customers exist:
                         | email              |
                 | customer@email.com |
             And the following zones are defined:
                        | name         | type    | members |
                         | Poland       | country | Poland  |
             And the following orders exist:
                 | customer                | address                                        |
                 | customer@email.com      | Jan Kowalski, Wawel 5 , 31-001, Kraków, Poland |


@users @another-feature @kawaii
Feature: User registration
    In order to order products
    As a visitor
    I need to be able to create an account in the store

    Background: Nice Background
        Given store has default configuration
          And there are following users:
            | email       | password             |
            | bar@bar.com | foo1sasdasdasdadsasd |
          And the following customers exist:
            | email              |
            | customer@email.com |
          And the following zones are defined:
            | name   | type    | members |
            | Poland | country | Poland  |
          And the following orders exist:
            | customer           | address                                        |
            | customer@email.com | Jan Kowalski, Wawel 5 , 31-001, Kraków, Poland |
