
Unity package that allows experiments built in UXF to read their settings from the web rather than locally.

Primary LanguageC#

NOTE: This is now incompatible with UXF 2.0. Current solution for web builds is to use the new Web AWS DynamoDB Data Handler.

UXF Web Settings

This is a Unity package that provides an alternative way to start a UXF Session. It can download a settings file from a public URL - allowing researchers to remotely modify experiment settings to builds of experiments deployed outside of a lab.

To use this in your project download the latest Release

For full remote data collection, you need a system to transfer the datafiles from the participant to the cloud. For this, you can use uxf-s3-uploader or roll-your-own solution. You can write a method that you assign to the OnWriteFile event of the FileIoManager event attached to the UXF prefab.


  1. Add the latest UXF package to your project
  2. Add the [UXF_Web_Settings] prefab to your scene and add the reference to an instance of the [UXF_Core] prefab in your scene. See the example scene.

You must host your settings file at a publicly acessible URL (e.g. Amazon S3 bucket) and enter the link in the web address asset.


This package includes a UI similar to the default UXF UI but designed for end-users rather than researchers. Feel free to delete the UI and replace with one you feel appropriate for your project.
