a project base on a series of alibaba dubbo ecological middlewares
Before you begin, install the following:
64bit OS: Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows supported, Linux/Unix/Mac recommended.
64bit JDK 1.8+.
Maven 3.2.x+.
2.Download & Build from Release
There are two ways to get Nacos.
1)Download source code from Github
unzip nacos-source.zip
cd nacos/
mvn -Prelease-nacos clean install -U
cd nacos/distribution/target/nacos-server-0.3.0/nacos/bin
2)Download run package
unzip nacos-server-0.3.0.zip OR tar -xvf nacos-server-0.3.0.tar.gz
cd nacos/bin
3.Start Server
Run the following command to sart(standalone means non-cluster mode):
sh startup.sh -m standalone
Run the following command to start:
cmd startup.cmd
Or double-click the startup.cmd run file.