I’ll be putting up some notes of what I did to get this working. None is hard, just nice to have all in one place.
This article was a great help: stufftohelpyouout.blogspot.com/2012/09/install-local-edge-rails-40-beta-and.html
Here’s a bit of an abbreviated list of steps:
cd ~/git/rails git pull rvm gemset create local_rails echo "rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p125@local_rails" > .rvmrc cd cd - rvm gemset list #make sure you're in local_rails gemset gem i bundler sdoc erubis cd .. git clone git://github.com/rails/journey.git cd journey rvm gemset use local_rails gem build journey.gemspec gem i journey-*.gem* cd .. git clone git://github.com/rails/activerecord-deprecated_finders.git cd activerecord-deprecated_finders rvm gemset list rvm gemset use local_rails gem build activerecord-deprecated_finders.gemspec gem i activerecord-deprecated_finders-*.gem* cd ../rails rake install gem build rails.gemspec gem i rails-4.0.0.beta.gem gem -v gem update --system gem i rails-4.0.0.beta.gem rails -v
# here's how to generate and config the app to run on heroku rails new rails4_test_app cd rails4_test_app git init git status git add . git commit -m 'initial' heroku create # you can look in the git history of the app to see what each of these # commits did
in recent -> oldest order:
08db6c7 fix asset precompiling/db connection issue
c1e36c3 precompile application.css
eb82802 setup rvmrc to make sure we stay in gemset that uses rails4
76a3622 setup proper home to welcome
f47ccdd ask for ruby 1.9.3
1f0c38a pg for prod
f590dea update deprecated finders git location
cf05618 bind to rails/journey on github
be69cf1 update gem lock
700a3fb bind rails to github
# add to github git remote add origin git@github.com:jackdempsey/rails4_on_heroku.git g push -u origin master