Golang, Docker k8s. Nodejs. Web Tech. Serverless Infrastructure.
National University of Singapore @nus-cs2103-AY1819S1 Singapore
Pinned Repositories
:musical_note: Algorithms written in different programming languages - https://zoranpandovski.github.io/al-go-rithms/
This is a code base for tutorial on how to integrate google cloud function (and Firestore) into Flutter project using CRUD.
:mortar_board: Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
This is a basic social media app created using MERN stack. This app has such functionalities as signing in, signing up, create user profile, view github profiles, create a post, comment on a post, like and unlike a post, delete a post, delete profile.
This is the source code for an article about Flutter Redux Thunk I wrote on Medium.
Build a browser form like Mint.com's which collects Email, Email Confirmation, Country, Zip Code, Password and Passowrd Confirmation fields. It should use live inline validation to inform the user whether a field is properly filled in or not. That means highlighting a field red and providing a helpful error message until it has been filled in properly. The form doesn't need to actually submit, but you should give an error message if the button is pushed with any active errors or unfilled required fields. If all is well and the form is "submitted", give the user a high five. Do all this using jQuery's Validate plugin but then try it without any plugins to challenge yourself. See some of the readings for examples of setting up your own validators.
A complete revamp of my first portfolio website. I add a get-in-touch feature which requires a server.
The backend server for my portfolio website jackwng2.0.
jackedelic's Repositories
Canvas takes a bit of getting used to because you probably aren't familiar with the steps involved in rendering specific shapes, but once you get the hang of it the sky's the limit on what you can produce. You'll see in this project, where we bring back one of the classics -- Missile Command. You can (and should) play it here to get a feel for the game. The basic game rules are that you have a finite number of missiles in your base at the bottom of the screen and need to intercept incoming missiles before they hit the ground. You do this by clicking on the screen where you would like your missiles to detonate. After clicking, a missile slowly travels to the point of click and then explodes. Each explosion sets off a chain reaction, blowing up any missiles it touches before fading away.
this is a project from The Odin Project.
Build Minesweeper in the browser. Stick with a small board (9x9 with 10 mines) to start. The basic rules are that the player must flag every mine on the board without clicking on it. The player gets enough information to solve this because every square that is immediately next to a mine will display the number of mines it is touching. The player only has exactly as many flags as mines. Victory is declared when all squares have been cleared except the mines.
Project: Tic Tac Toe in Javascript If you went through the Ruby course, you had a chance to build Tic Tac Toe to test your OOP skills. If you did, you'll have a leg up because you'll be building those project now for the browser. Tic Tac Toe Remember Tic Tac Toe? See Wikipedia if you haven't. It involves a couple of players, a simple board, checking for victory at each turn... Let's build it! Your Task Build a tic-tac-toe game in the browser where two human players can play against each other.
Create a simple image carousel site. It should contain arrows on each side to advance the image forward or backwards. It should automatically move forward every 5 seconds. It should contain the little navigation circles at the bottom that indicate which slide you are on (and they should be click-able to advance to that particular slide). Don't spend too much time worrying about getting your images to display at the correct size -- it's more important to get the slider sliding.
Let's give you a chance to dive deeply into working with events by building a Snake game. If you never played it (likely many years ago in your childhood), check out the Wikipedia Page for Snake. Basically, it's a snake that you have to move around the board and which grows longer with each piece of food it eats. You lose if it gets so big it hits itself or if it goes off the board. If you think about what's required to make a game like this work, it's all well within your grasp -- you'll have to set up a grid and listen for user input events to determine where to turn the snake, then add some logic around how it gets larger by "feeding". This is where things start getting really fun!
Now that you've gotten your hands dirty and learned some real jQuery, it's time to apply it by generating an entire webpage using just Javascript and jQuery. The webpage will be a simple restaurant home page but the principle of using Javascript to dynamically (re)render the page should stick with you.
this is a project from The Odin Project.
Design Your Own Grid-Based Framework In this final project, you'll get to take everything you've learned and use it to build your own simple grid-based framework. As with the other final projects, we'll keep it relatively open-ended to give you a chance to exercise your creativity and problem-solving skills. It will be a great project to show off to potential employers as well. Once you're done setting up your framework, you will use it to clone any website you like. If you're out of ideas, try cloning The Odin Project!
In this project, you'll get a chance to try out Twitter's Bootstrap framework by building a site that actually uses it -- Newsweek.
In this project, you'll get the chance to build a responsive website. We'll be cloning The Next Web, a tech-focused magazine which uses media queries to gracefully degrade their site as the window size is reduced. The process will be quite similar to what we've done before. At this point, you should be much faster at setting up a site layout and positioning the elements than when you first started.
In this simple project, you'll be breaking apart the website for a popular design magazine with which you're probably familiar by now -- Smashing Magazine. The goal for this exercise is to start training yourself to think in terms of visual hierarchy, typography and design principles. Your job is to create a grayscale heat map of the website that indicates which elements have the greatest weight in the visual hierarchy. For inspiration, check out this image from vanseodesign.com which compares a site layout with no differentiation on the left to one with a thoughtful hierarchy on the right. Your final product will look much like the site on the right. This is also an opportunity to get better at positioning <div> elements without worrying too much about what's inside them, which will serve you well later.
this is a project from The Odin Project. Backgrounds and Gradient.
html-css tutorial from The Odin Project mimicking the NYT article https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/18/science/space/detection-of-waves-in-space-buttresses-landmark-theory-of-big-bang.html?_r=1
this is a project from The Odin Project.
this is a project from The Odin Project.
this is a project from The Odin Project.
this is a project from The Odin Project.
this is a project from The Odin Project. Association.
this is a project from The Odin Project. In this project, you'll be building an exclusive clubhouse where your members can write embarrassing posts about non-members. Inside the clubhouse, members can see who the author of a post is but, outside, they can only see the story and wonder who wrote it. This will be a chance for you to "roll your own" authentication system, very similar to how you did in the tutorial. As usual, we will be focusing on data and function, not style. If you want to add your own stylistic flourishes, consider it extra credit. It's easy to feel a bit overwhelmed by building your own authentication. That's because there are several moving parts -- the session controller/form, hanging onto and refreshing the remember token when necessary, and using that token to check up on the current user. It may help if you write out the steps as you understand them prior to getting started, so you know what you're shaky on and will need to pay attention to.
Notes to (NUS) Computer Science Freshmen, From The Future (Original by @ejamesc)
this is a project from The Odin Project
this is a project from The Odin Project
this is a project from The Odin Project
this is a project from The Odin Project
this is a project from The Odin Project. Caesar Cipher project is from Project-Building-Block.
this is a project from The Odin Project
this is a project from The Odin Project(unsolved bug: after saving game, the game cannot be loaded properly after that.)
Main Website for The Odin Project