This is the java offline server This purpose of this program used together babelnetpy
Maybe, Readme is needed to be revised if I have enough time to check this.
This program is for eclipse. Unfortunately, I cannot write pom.xml, so I cannot change this program for maven.
Execute babelnet.HttpServer and program argument is a port number. You must setting program arguments(i.e. 1000) in eclipse.
You can check whether your execute is successful or not by accessing http://localhost:1000/getSynsetIds?lemma=mouse.
Get like this.
[{"id":"bn:00277032n","pos":"NOUN","source":"[WIKITR, WIKIDATA, WIKI]"},{"id":"bn:01829516n","pos":"NOUN","source":"[WIKIDATA, WIKIRED, WIKI]"},{"id":"bn:00086020v","pos":"VERB",・・・]
Make your project and copy this program in your project. The detail information is
Setting properties and classpath and so on.
Create your Eclipse project (File -> New -> Java project, give the project a name and press Finish). This creates a new folder with the project name projectFolder/ under your Eclipse workspace folder.
Copy the config/ and resources/ folders from the BabelNet-API-4.0 folder into your workspace/projectFolder/
Now we need to include all the lib/*.jar files and the babelnet-api-4.0.jar (from ) file in the project build classpath:
Select the project from 'Package Explorer' tree view
From the top bar click on 'Project' and then 'Properties'
Once inside the 'Properties' section click on 'Java build path' and select the 'Libraries' tab
From the right menu click on the 'Add External JARs' button
Browse to the downloaded BabelNet-API-4.0 folder, and select all the lib/*.jar files along with the babelnet-api-4.0.jar file
Next we need to include the config/ folder in the project build classpath:
Select the project from 'Package Explorer' tree view
From the top bar click on 'File' and then 'Refresh'
From the 'Java build path' (see point 3 above) select the 'Source' tab
Once in the 'Source' tab, click on 'Add Folder' from the right sidebar and select the downloaded config/ folder
Happy coding!! ;-)
For more information consult the guide online,
download from
example is here
cd /opt
sudo tar -jxvf /your dir/WordNet-3.0.tar.bz2
In "config/"
download from example is here
sudo tar -jxvf /your dir/babelnet-4.0.1-index.tar.bz2
In "config/"
# maybe, this program does not need your key.
# comment out
Write your port number in program arguments and replace the folder name, files/1000, to files/your_port_number. Finally, run babelnet.HttpServer!
I copied and referenced this server program. Thank you for this repogitory( and japanese introduction page
If this program is helpful for you, I want you to give the star this program for me. Have a nice day.