
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



git clone
cd sdf-research

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U wheel pip setuptools

pip install -r requirements.txt

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$PWD/credentials/gs_viewer.json
dvc pull

# Loads third-party repositories
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev

Common issues

cd src/Utils.h
#include <naoflann/nanoflann.hpp>
#include <nanoflann.hpp>
  • headless mode


1. Download data

  • .obj format

2. Process Meshes

  • normalize to a unit sphere (in practice fit to sphere radius of 1/1.03)
  • sample N (ex: 500 000) spatial points (more aggresive near surface, to capture details)
DEEP_SDF_BIN=/deep_sdf/bin ./preprocess_mesh.sh /path/to/meshes /path/to/out
  • TODO: allow pass num_of_samples (now only 250 000, 500 000)

K3D Visualization

3. Split to Train/Test

  • TODO: make a proper script
from deep_sdf.utils.data import split_train_test, write_split_to_file

train_mesh, test_mesh = split_train_test(MESH_DIR)
write_split_to_file(DIR, train_mesh, CLASS_NAME, is_train=True)
write_split_to_file(DIR, test_mesh , CLASS_NAME, is_train=False)

4. Define model config

  • TODO: move to yaml config

    "two_d": False,
    "latent_size": 0,
    "dims": [512] * 8,
    "dropout": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
    "dropout_prob": 0.2,
    "norm_layers": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
    "latent_in": [],
    "xyz_in_all": False,
    "use_tanh": False,
    "latent_dropout": False,
    "weight_norm": True

5. Run training

  • TODO: convert to script
  • TODO: use TFboard instead of livelossplot
  • TODO: chamber distance for accuracy plot
  • notebooks/sdf_basics_3d.ipynb

6. Reconstruct

  • TODO: to script
from deep_sdf.utils.mesh import create_mesh

def reconstruct(processed_mesh_filename: str, reconstructed_filename: str, model: torch.nn.Module):
    processed_mesh = np.load(processed_mesh_filename)
    processed_mesh = np.vstack((processed_mesh['neg'], processed_mesh['pos']))

    create_mesh(model, None, reconstructed_filename, max_batch=32**3)

100 epochs model

4000 epochs model

7. Evaluation

7.1 Sample visible mesh surface
DEEP_SDF_BIN=/deep_sdf/bin ./sample_visible_mesh_surface.sh /path/to/meshes /path/to/out
  • Outputs *.npz with normalization params ['offset', 'scale']
  • Outputs *.ply with point cloud near surface
7.2 Calculate Chamfer Distance
import trimesh
from deep_sdf.utils.metrics import compute_trimesh_chamfer

def evaluate(mesh_gt_filename: str, mesh_pred_filename: str) -> float:
    :param mesh_gt_filename: *.ply (Ground-truth mesh: SampleVisibleSurface)
    :param mesh_pred_filename: *.ply (Predicted mesh: reconstruct)
    mesh_gt = trimesh.load(mesh_gt_filename)
    norm_params = np.load(mesh_gt_filename.replace(".ply", ".npz"))
    mesh_pred = trimesh.load(filename_ + ".ply")

    return compute_trimesh_chamfer(mesh_gt, mesh_pred, norm_params["offset"], norm_params["scale"])