
Files were too big so editing was needed. Group of 6 working with Big Data in Class. Plots, results, distributions, etc

Primary LanguagePython

BigDataNetflixCopy edited for github

Data files were too big so they had to be edited out. My group of 6 originally did this project over git but locally transferred our data files and thus coded a lot of this within the same room using a a computer or two. You can see all of the steps of our process making a predictive algorithm from visualizations, to research, to practice code found online. We were given nearly a semester to work on this project (among other classwork).

Data Found on Kaggle Called Netflix Prize Data. It's an older set this is a newer link for it still available as of 10.27.2021 https://www.kaggle.com/netflix-inc/netflix-prize-data?select=combined_data_1.txt We edited and made simpler data sets for computational reasons using real statistical methods from simple random samples to assumptions using visualizations and other big data techniques. Ended up running our edited data sets through someone's laptop as a proof of concept.