Flutter desktop plugins
This repo contains go-flutter implementations for popular flutter plugins.
Please report issues at the go-flutter issue tracker.
From- image_picker - Select an image or video from storage. (pub.dev)
- path_provider - Finding commonly used locations on the filesystem. (pub.dev)
- package_info - Provides information about an application package. (pub.dev)
- shared_preferences - Provides a persistent store for simple data. (pub.dev)
- url_launcher - Flutter plugin for launching a URL. (pub.dev)
- video_player - Flutter plugin for playing back video on a Widget surface. (pub.dev) (:warning: work-in-progress, needs rewrite)
From the community
- file_picker - Select single or multiple file paths using the native file explorer. (pub.dev)
- sqlite - Flutter plugin for SQLite. (pub.dev)
- title_bar - Support custom title bar color go-flutter#177. Only for osx
- clipboard_manager - Flutter plugin for copying text to the clipboard. (pub.dev)
- open_file - Flutter plugin for opening a file or URI using the default application on the platform. (pub.dev)
If you have implemented a plugin that you would like to add to this repository, feel free to open a PR.