
A 2D dungeon-themed rogue-like game, produced using Unity, as part of group project between myself and 8 other people.

Primary LanguageC#

EssayHunt Game

This was a group project between myself and 8 other people, to design and code a 2D dungeon-themed rogue-like game.

The game features a student who is trapped in the library and needs to escape! They must collect all of their lost essay pages and battle monsters along the way. As the game progresses, the student travels through history, art, science and music levels in the library, before a final boss battle with the evil librarian. There are four characters to choose from, at the beginning of the game, corresponding to the four subjects.

To Play

In the EssayHunt_Game folder are two zip files, for Windows and Mac. Download the corresponding zip file and double click the EssayHunt .exe or .app file to play the game. All code and associated Unity files are in the Unity_2D_roguelike folder.
