
Proudly present my final project - Notes App Rebuilt - at iOS Academy in App Team Carolina!

Primary LanguageSwift

📝 Notes App

After a semester-long journey with iOS Academy in the App Team, I rebuilt a simple yet powerful iOS note-taking application as it's the most-frequently-used app in my daily life. It allows users to create, edit, and manage notes across multiple folders just like Apple's Notes App.

Check the demo!


🚀 Features

  • User-friendly interface
  • Create and edit notes using a rich text editor
  • Organize notes in custom folders
  • Search functionality for quick note access
  • Merge notes from multiple folders
  • SwiftUI implementation for a native iOS experience

📁 Project Structure

  • SingleNoteView: A SwiftUI view for creating and editing individual notes.
  • FolderNotesView: A SwiftUI view for displaying notes within a folder and managing navigation between notes.
  • ContentView: The main SwiftUI view, displaying a list of folders and providing access to note creation and folder management.
  • FolderCell: A reusable SwiftUI view component for displaying folder information in the list view.
  • NewFolderView: A SwiftUI view for creating new folders and adding them to the list.
  • MyNotes: An ObservableObject class to manage the folders and notes data and provide data manipulation methods.
  • Folder and Note: Structs representing folder and note objects.
  • mergeFolder: A utility function to merge notes from two folders into a new folder.