
The Galactic Atlas is an ORM written in vanilla python that can be interacted with via a CLI. It allows the user to input, update, delete, and retrieve information on stars, planets, civilizations, and species both real and fictional.

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Galactic Atlas

The Galactic Atlas is an ORM written in vanilla python that can be interacted with via a Command Line Interface. It allows the user to input, update, delete, and retrieve information on stars, planets, civilizations, and species both real and fictional using an SQLite database.

Using the Atlas

Fork and clone this repository.

To Run

MacOS: mac/atlas

Linux: linux/atlas

Modifying the Atlas



To install and modify this project, you will need SQLite installed on your system. Run the following command to check:

$ which sqlite3

If you see the output above, you have a working version of sqlite3 already installed on your system. Otherwise, run the following command if you are on OSX:

brew install sqlite

For WSL, Here are directions from Microsoft

Virtual Environment and pyinstaller

Install and run a python virtual environment of your choice and install dependencies. For example, use pipenv:

pipenv install
pipenv shell


To run the app and interact with the database, use python lib/atlas.py.



  • app.py contains the main loop for the app and the upper level menus.
  • helpers.py contains the functions and lower level menus called upon by app.py.
  • seed.py contains the data to seed the database with. It is called by app.py if the database is empty or needs to be created.
  • debug.py contains the simplest possible implementation of ipdb for tracing and debugging. Run it with python debug.py


  • init.py imports and initializes SQLite
  • model.py contains the parent class for all models, and therefore much of the database logic
    • body.py contains the parent class for stars and planets
      • star.py contains the Star class corresponding to the stars table in the database
      • planet.py contains the Planet class corresponding to the planets table in the database
    • civilization.py contains the Civilization class corresponding to the civilizations table in the database
    • species.py contains the Species class corresponding to the species table in the database

Build your project

Once you have made changes you are happy with, you can use pyinstaller build your project and make an executable script. To do so, run the following command from the root directory:

pyinstaller --distpath <your platform> -F lib/atlas.py