
Homebrew collection for 5e.tools


Homebrew collection for 5e.tools for my 5e campaign setting, The Sea of Cyranos.

How to Import

  1. Goto https://5e.tools/managebrew.html

  2. Click "Load from URL"

  3. Copy/Paste this url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackhaydock/TSoC_Homebrew/master/TSoC.json

  4. Done

You should then be able to see "The Sea of Cyranos" in source filters and see things with the gold "TSoC" label.

NOTE: you will need to repeat this everytime I update this, which I do frequently. I recomend deleting the old version before importing again as sometimes it bugs out and you'll get duplicate items


NOTE: I will try to keep this updated but there may be some things missing.

You should be able to browse/filter these things as you would anything else on 5eTools but here are some quick links to help you explore this stuff. You will need to import the collection as above before these will work.