C++ Implementation of Parallel Apriori Algorithm
This project modified from bowbowbow/Apriori. We provide 6 different parallel methods:
The test case we used is a renowned transactional database T10I4D100K.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
- g++: 9.3.0
- MPI: 4.0.3
- CUDA driver: 11.5
- CUDA: 10.1.243
- Hadoop: 3.3.1
Move to the folder you want.
cd [folder]
Follow the steps in
to install the dependencies. -
Build executables.
Run the Apriori algorithm with following command.
./[executable] [minimum support] [input transactions] [output result]
For instance, if you want to run the pthread version of the Apriori algorithm, you can use the commands below.
cd pthread make ./apriori-thread 1 ../testcases/transactional_T10I4D100K.csv output.txt
============ Apriori algorithm is to find frequent itemsets using an iterative level-wise approach based on candidate generation.
Input: A database of transactions, the minimum support count threshold
Output: frequent itemsets in the database
The algorithm solves the problem with a two-step approach.
Step1. Frequent Itemset Generation
Generate all itemsets whose support with a value of minimum support or greater.
But the proccess requires a lot of computation (O(3^(k)-2^(k+1)+1), k=the number of item).
The key idea of apriori algorithm
to reduce this operation is that any subset of a frequent itemset must be frequent.Therefore, if there is any itemset which is infrequent, its superset should not be generated/tested.
As a result, follow the steps below to proceed with this process.
Generate length (k+1)-candidate itemsets from length k frequent itemsets. (This process is called joining.)
And delete newly generated (k+1)-items if the item set that removed one element is not in (k)-candidate. (This process is called pluning.)
Calculate the support of the candidates and remove candidates with support less than min support.
Proceed 1 again until there are no more candidates left.
Step2. Associate Rule Generation
Generate high confidence rules from each frequent itemset, where each rule is a binary partition of a frequent itemset.
Input file format
- Row is transaction
- [item_id] is a numerical value
- There is no duplication of items in each transaction
output file format
- Support: probability that a transaction contains [item_set] [associative_item_set]
- Confidence: conditional probability that a transaction having [item_set] also contains [associative_item_set]
- The value of support and confidence should be rounded to two decimal places.