
Continuous Integration Prototype for Wind River Linux and Yocto builds

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

CI Scripts

This repository contains scripts and Docker Compose files that form the Wind River Linux Continuous Integration Prototype.


I have built two build systems at WindRiver, but they were very specific to the WRLinux workflow and internal infrastructure. This is my third build system and an attempt to make a generic build and CI system with features around building and testing Yocto.

This repo contains the scripts to orchestrate all the components as well as all the Dockerfile used to build the images. The images are hosted on Docker Hub and are automated builds linked to the Dockerfiles in this repository. All the images with links to back to the Dockerfile used to build them can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/windriver/


  1. Multi-host builds using Docker Swarm. This provides an easy way to scale the machines in a build cluster up and down and Docker Swarm makes this surprisingly simple.

  2. Developer builds. This enables build testing of patches before they are committed to the main branches. This leverages the WR setup program and a temporary layerindex to assemble a custom project that matches the developer's local project.

  3. Toaster integration. A simple UI to dynamically expose the Toaster interface of all builds in progress.

Getting Started


make python3: >= 3.3

Docker CE: >= 17.03


Docker Compose: >= 1.13.0


Docker Socket permissions

In order for Jenkins Agent to start docker containers without opening the socket to every user on the machine, the host system needs to allow a process with uid 1000 rw access to /var/run/docker.sock. This can be done by adding uid 1000 to the docker group. Currently if the host docker group has guid 995 to 999, this will enable access.

If the /var/run/docker.sock does not sufficient permissions, the swarm client image will attempt to enable world rw permissions on the socket before attempting the build.

Single Host Setup

To start Jenkins Master and Agent on a single system using docker-compose run:


This will download the images from the Docker Cloud/Hub and start the images using docker-compose.

The Jenkins web UI is accessible at https://localhost/jenkins. If attempting to access the web UI from a different machine, replace localhost with the name or IP of the server where the repository was cloned to.

The Jenkins interface is behind an nginx reverse proxy which uses a self signed certificate to provide TLS. The browser will warn you that the web page is using a cert from an unknown CA and require you to grant a security exception.

Multi-Host Setup

The CI prototype supports distributing builds onto multiple machines using Docker Swarm.

./start_jenkins.sh --swarm

The machine where the start_jenkins.sh script is run must be a Docker swarm manager node. It will be labeled the "master" node and no builds will be scheduled on this node.

Using Docker Swarm requires some manual setup on each machine that will be part of the cluster. Each node needs Docker 17.03+ installed. On the node that will be master run:

docker swarm init

and note the provided command line with join token. On the worker nodes run the provided command which will have the following form:

docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_IP>:2377


  1. Each worker node will start one Jenkins worker with 2 executors. I will investigate using Docker labels to set Jenkins Node labels to control number of executors and job scheduling control.
  2. No scaling tests have been performed, although I expect this setup to work well for a 2-10 machine cluster.

For more information on managing a Docker Swarm, consult the Docker Swarm Documentation

Scheduling Jobs

By default the Jenkins Master does not have authentication enabled and jobs can be submitted from any machine. On the same or a different machine, clone this repository. To install the python-jenkins package locally and submit a job run:

make setup
.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --configs <config name from combos> \
    --build_configs_file configs/WRLinux9/combos-WRLINUX_9_BASE.yaml

This will install all the python libraries into .venv and contact the Jenkins Master and schedule a build on the Jenkins Agent. The is a comma separated list of names from the yaml file. As examples the combos-WRLINUX_9_BASE.yaml contains names such as qemuarm_glibc-small_Base and qemux86-64_glibc-core_Base.

The combos-WRLINUX_9_BASE.yaml file is a generated list of valid combinations of qemu bsps and configuration options. At WindRiver we generate these yaml files using the machines and images listed in the LayerIndex.

Scheduling Poky Builds

An example config is provided to demonstrate building Poky locally:

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py --jenkins <jenkins> \
   --build_configs_file configs/OpenEmbedded/combos-pyro.yaml \

To reuse the ubuntu1604_64 image, the poky build uses the WRLinux buildtools from Github.

Toaster Integration

All builds enable toaster by default and the prototype uses Registrator and Consul to discover toaster instances. The toaster aggregator webapp provides an overview of running toaster instances and the current progress of each as well as links to the individual toaster instances.

The toaster aggregator web UI is available at https://localhost/toaster_aggregator

Post build operations

The conventional way to add post build operations on Jenkins Pipeline projects is to add stages to the pipeline. Each pipeline stage would also require more build parameters be added to the job configuration. Each additional post build step would require significant changes and would not compose well.

The post build operations can be run in a different container than the build to avoid having to add tools like rsync to the build container. This also allows the build to run without network access. To select a different post build image:

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --postprocess_image <image>

The prototype contains a generic post build step that does not require modifications to job config or Jenkinsfile. The post build scripts are located in the scripts directory and can be selected to run using the command line:

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --post_success=rsync,cleanup \

This would run the scripts/rsync.sh and scripts/cleanup.sh scripts after a successful build and scripts/send_email.sh and scripts/cleanup.sh after a failed build.

To pass parameters to the post build scripts use:

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --postprocess_args FOO1=bar,FOO2=baz

The prototype will take the parameters, split them and inject them into the postbuild environment.

To add post build steps, add a script to the scripts directory and add the script name to the --post_success and/or --post_fail and add any required parameters to --postprocess_args.

Developer Builds

An ideal Continuous Integration workflow supports the testing of patches before they are committed to the "trunk" branches. Also known as pre-merge testing or pull request testing. The standard git workflow is to use topic branches and have the CI system run tests against the topic branch.

Yocto projects contain a hierarchy of git repositories and there isn't a standardized way to create a project area. The wr-lx-setup 1 attempts to standardize creation of Yocto projects using the Layerindex as a source of available layers and locations. This simplifies and standardizes the setup of Yocto projects, but it adds the Layerindex as a component required by the CI workflow.

The prototype supports creation of a temporary per build Layerindex and modifying the attributes of a layer in the temporary Layerindex. This enables a developer to create a topic branch on a layer git repository and run builds and tests using this branch.

An example workflow:

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --configs master-minimal \
    --devbuild_layer_name openembedded-core \
    --build_configs_file configs/OpenEmbedded/combos-master.yaml \
    --configs master-minimal --devbuild_layer_name openembedded-core \
    --devbuild_layer_vcs_url git://github.com/kscherer/openembedded-core.git \
    --devbuild_actual_branch devbuild

The sequence of events is:

  1. Temporary Layerindex is created and retrieves master branch info from official layers.openembedded.org Layerindex.
  2. The vcs_url and actual_branch for the openembedded-core layer in temp layerindex is changed and the temp layerindex runs update.py to parse this layer. If the update fails, the build also fails. This provides a mechanism to test the addition of new layers.
  3. The wr-lx-setup.sh program is run using the temp layerindex as its source and creates a build area using the openembedded layer as defined in the supplied vcs_url.
  4. After setup is complete, the normal build process continues.
  5. After build is complete, the temp layerindex is shutdown and cleaned up.

Current Limitations:

  1. The Layerindex assumes that bitbake and openembedded-core repositories are located on the same git server at the same path.
  2. Only changing a single layer is currently supported. There is no technical reason why multiple layers could not be changed.
  3. Only tested with http://layers.openembedded.org

Rsync server

To support collection of build artifact results from a build cluster, an rsync server has been integrated. The runs beside the reverse proxy service and accepts files without authentication. The postbuild image now runs in the same network as the rsync server and can use the postbuild rsync script to copy files to this server or any external server.

The contents of the rsync server are available over HTTPS through the reverse proxy at https://<jenkins>/builds

Using Jenkins Credential Store to access Git server

Jenkins has an encrypted credential store which can manage credentials used to access the git server. Connect to Jenkins and select Credentials in the left menu. Then select System -> "Global (unrestricted)" -> Add Credentials. Use ID "git" which is the default used by jenkins_job_submit.py.

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --configs <config name from combos> \
    --build_configs_file configs/WRLinux9/combos-WRLINUX_9_BASE.yaml \

Scheduling Jobs when Jenkins requires Authentication

The jenkins_job_submit.py can submit jobs to the Jenkins master that requires Authentication. If unauthenticated access fails, jenkins_job_submit.py check for a local file containing the authentication credentials. The default name of the local auth file is jenkins_auth.txt at the root path of this CI script. To use a different file name use the command line option --jenkins-auth=FILE_NAME. Format of the local auth file should be USERNAME:API_TOKEN, and only one line of text is allowed.

The windriver/jenkins-master image requires authentication and has a special mechanism to retrieve this information transparently. If authentication to a different Jenkins server fails, contact the manager of Jenkins server and put the valid authentication in local auth file to submit jobs.

.venv/bin/python3 ./jenkins_job_submit.py \
    --jenkins <jenkins> --configs <config name from combos> \
    --build_configs_file configs/WRLinux9/combos-WRLINUX_9_BASE.yaml \
    --jenkins_auth <path to file>

Runtime tests

Tuntime tests are supported using LAVA, which is a server running outside of CI scripts. The LAVA server configuration is set in config files which locate in configs folder.

To enable runtime tests, the following settings in the YAML config file under configs folder are required:

    post_process_image: postbuild
      RSYNC_SERVER: yow-lpdtest.wrs.com
      RSYNC_DEST_DIR: builds/wrlinux10
      OE_TEST: yes
      - rsync
      - cleanup

	test: enable
    test_image: postbuild
      LAVA_SERVER: <lava_server_link>
      LAVA_USER: <lava_username>
      NFS_ROOT: /net/yow-lpdtest/var/lib/tftpboot
      TEST_DEVICE: [simics (default) or hardware]
      TEST_SUITE: <test_suite_name>
      RETRY: 1

Because different tests may require different settings of build and execution, here are the configurations for supported tests:

OEQA Tests


  1. Build config file for WRLinux, such as combos-WRLINUX_10_BASE.yaml. notconfigure.sh will make required changes to local.conf:
      - notconfigure.sh
      - --oe-test=with_wrlinux10
      - --oe-test-suites=ping,ssh,df,connman,syslog,xorg,scp,vnc,date,pam,perl,python,rpm,ldd,smart,dmesg


  1. Specify TEST_DEVICE and TEST_SUITE in YAML config file under configs folder, for example:
    TEST_DEVICE: simics
    TEST_SUITE: oeqa-default-test
  2. The LAVA job template files for OEQA tests is stored in lava-test git repository, (http://git.wrs.com/cgit/lpd-ops/lava-test.git) No special settings are required.

    jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_oeqa-default-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_oeqa-default-test_template.yaml (simics)

Linaro (LAVA) tests

Linaro provides lots of open source test suites, which are defined in: https://git.linaro.org/qa/test-definitions.git, we can use them in CI as well.


  1. Build config file for WRLinux, such as combos-WRLINUX_10_BASE.yaml. notconfigure.sh will make required changes to local.conf:
      - notconfigure.sh
      - --oe-test=with_wrlinux10
      - --lava-test=yes


  1. Specify TEST_DEVICE and TEST_SUITE in YAML config file under configs folder, for example:

    # Supported tests and matching devices
    # test_suit                       | supported device
    # --------------------------------+-------------------
    # linaro-smoke-test               | simics or hardware
    # linaro-busybox-test             | simics or hardware
    # linaro-signal-test              | simics or hardware
    # linaro-singlenode-advanced-test | simics or hardware
    # linaro-pi-stress-test           | hardware
    # linaro-pmq-test                 | hardware
    # linaro-rt-migrate-test          | hardware
    TEST_DEVICE: simics
    TEST_SUITE: linaro-smoke-test
  2. The LAVA job template files for Linaro tests are stored in lava-test git repository, above listed all supported Linaro tests and their job template files are:

    jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-busybox-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-pi-stress-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-pmq-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-rt-migrate-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-signal-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-singlenode-advanced-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_64_job_linaro-smoke-test_template.yaml (hardware) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-busybox-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-pi-stress-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-pmq-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-rt-migrate-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-signal-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-singlenode-advanced-test_template.yaml (simics) jobs/templates/wrlinux-10/x86_simics_job_linaro-smoke-test_template.yaml (simics)

    If new test suites are introduced, new job template files need to be created as well.

    Note: Test suite name must be set properly and consistent in the following places:

    • Inside job template file, under test section, the 'name' field of 'definitions'
    • Job template file name contains test suite name, for example:


    • TEST_SUITE in YAML config file under configs folder

Modifying docker images

The CI prototype uses the following images:

  • windriver/jenkins-master
  • windriver/jenkins-swarm-client
  • windriver/ubuntu1604_64
  • windriver/toaster_aggregator
  • blacklabelops/nginx
  • gliderlabs/registrator
  • consul
  • windriver/layerindex

To test image modifications rebuild the container locally and run:

./start_jenkins.sh --no-pull


  • Build notifications
  • Simplify settings of runtime tests
  • Select a good project name


Contributions submitted must be signed off under the terms of the Linux Foundation Developer's Certificate of Origin version 1.1. Please refer to: https://developercertificate.org

To submit a patch:

  • Open a Pull Request on the GitHub project
  • Optionally create a GitHub Issue describing the issue addressed by the patch

Docker Images

This repository contains only the Dockerfiles used to generate the images. The images are assembled and hosted by Docker on the Docker Cloud/Hub.

The images contain Open Source software as distributed by the following projects.

Included Third Party Components

MIT License

  • jQuery Compat JavaScript Library v3.0.0-pre 81b6e46522d8c680f6c38d5e95c732b2b47130b9
  • Skeleton V2.0.4
  • DataTables 1.10.13


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.