
A relaxed game about managing your own little plant store~

Primary LanguageRuby

City Grows

A small little game about running a houseplant store.


  • ruby 2.6.2
  • bundler 2.0.1
  • a sense of imagination


1. Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:jackiekircher/city_grows.git

2. Update bundler (optional with workaround)

Bundler 2.0 came with a rough incompatibiity issue. If you don't want to update or install or a later version then you should be fine with removing Gemfile.lock and bundling with whatever version you have locally.

gem install bundler -v 2.0.1

3. Run bundle


4. Create your database

This project uses SQLite3 with rails default configurations, so hopefully it's painless for you.

rails db:create && rails db:migrate

5. Start your server

If you have foreman then there is a Procfile.dev that you can use to start up both a rails server and webpack dev-server with the command

nf --procfile Procfile.dev start

However, there aren't really any assets to compile yet so running a plain rails s should do you just fine. If you'd like that extra bit of pre-compile speed (or I've forgotten to update this README) then you can run ./bin/webpack-dev-server in a separate process to handle that.


Nothing fancy here.

rspec spec/