
A mod for Speunky HD by Mossmouth Games that replaces the pug damsel with a corgi.

Specorgi is a mod for Spelunky HD by Mossmouth that replaces the pug damsel with a corgi. I've tried to stay as true to the original art style as I could. This mod is currently compatible with version 1.4 of Spelunky HD, for compatibilty with version 1.0-1.3 look for Specorgi 1.0 under the releases tab above.

specorgi screenshot

###One-step Installation:

If you don't want to deal with downloading the Spelunky Modding tool and unpacking/repacking textures, then follow this one-step installation. The primary drawback is that you won't be able to install more than just this mod using this method. For combining mods please see the multi-step installation instructions.

Make sure to backup the alltex.wad and alltex.wad.wix files in the /Data/Textures directory of your Spelunky installation path.

Once you've backed them up, replace these files with the alltex.wad and alltext.wad.wix files for the mod.

###Multi-step Installation:

If you already have mods installed then you can choose to just overwrite individual sprite sheets within the texture files of the game, but the process is a bit more complicated.

Make sure to backup the alltex.wad and alltex.wad.wix files in the /Data/Textures directory of your Spelunky installation path.

  1. Download the Spelunky Modding tool at http://mossmouth.com/forums/index.php?topic=3637.0

  2. Follow the directions in the thread and extrat the contents of alltex.wad using either the command line script or the batch files.

  3. In the extracted alltex folder, replace ATSTART/journalmons.png with journalmons.png, MONSTERS/monstersbig3.png with monstersbig.png, and INTRO/desert.png with desert.png

    • note, if you are already using mods that alter these files they will be overwritten. please feel free to merge the specorgi files with other mods you have using any image manipulation program that can save png files.
  4. Repack the alltex folder with spelunktool -c alltex or dragging it onto the repack.bat file.

Run Spelunky and have fun!