
Read Me Template

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To build a software engineering team generator command line application. The application will prompt the user for information about the team manager and then information about the team members. The user can input any number of team members, and they may be a mix of engineers and interns. This assignment must also pass all unit tests. When the user has completed building the team, the application will create an HTML file that displays a nicely formatted team roster based on the information provided by the user.


  1. First clone this repo. 2)if json package is include skip step 3 and 4 and run npm install -y 3)run npm init 4) install npm inquirer and Jest,Inquirer as a dependency and jest as Dev depency

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How To Use

run 'node app.js' and follow prumpt

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Alex Saint Victor

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Node API Jest was used for testing

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Copyright (c) 2020[Name of holder]. All rights reserved.

    This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.  
    For a copy, see <>.

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